Chinese Astrology Chinese New Year 4718, or 2021 in the Western calendar, is the Year of the Wood Ox. The year of the Wood OX begins on February 8, 2021 The next Chinese New Year will begin on February... With Saturn and Jupiter in Aquarius, a few landmarks have already been set in recent weeks that foreshadow where the collective journey is headed. With an outraged Mars in stubborn Taurus squaring off against an “I just want to...
While in deep meditation a Tarot Card is pulled as the month changes energies, to guide each of the twelve signs of the Zodiac for the coming month. Click on the card which represents your Sign of birth - your...
STARGAZING FOR FEBRUARY 2021 Discover the secrets of your Astrological Sun Sign, Moon Sign and Rising Sign and read them all together, for monthly guidance and direction. AQUARIUS Polarity: Masculine Ruled By: Eleventh House Element: Air Planet: Uranus Quality: Fixed...
Messages From Your Angels Angel Wisdom and Messages FEBRUARY 2021 Information about the many angelic realms, the Guardian Angels, and experiences with ANGELS. Discover the monthly message sent down by the Angelic Realm Overview for FEBRUARY 2021 FEBRUARY...
Your Personal Year and Your Personal Month 2021 Numerology is the concept that all of life, known and unknown, is shaped by vibration and a specific creative moment of universal energy. As this energy moves and flows, it takes the...
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