Newsletter — LEO 2021 AUGUST IT'S TRULY THE DOG DAYS OF SUMMER Relaxing by the pool AFFIRMATION Whatever is dearest to my heart provides me the inspiration to be truly myself. MEDITATION The Mars and Venus energy combination brings you... It’s summertime, summer time. Sum – sum – summertime . Finally! The Leo energies are filled with carefree smiles and high spirits. Happy, light energy opens the week on Monday, with the Moon conjunct both Venus and Mars in... This could be a week of easily hurt feelings., often based on perceived notions instead of the actual intentions of others. Love and money Venus is busy on Tuesday through Thursday making challenges to stability-seeking Saturn and revolutionary... Astrology is a tool from the universe that allows astrologers to describe the quality of time. Every birth chart carries its own messages from your past lifetimes and the universe as a whole. The focus is not actually on...
Newsletter — CANCER 2021 AFFIRMATION Being true to yourself is what really counts, and this year I am putting that first. CELEBRATE JULY 4TH AS WE HONOR THE FOUNDING OF AMERICA! MEDITATION A LIVING PRESENCE I remain locked within the... The Summer Solstice is on Father’s Day, June 20th. The next three months gives you the feeling of being pulled in three directions simultaneously. You would be wise to plan your actions three steps in advance, or you could...
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