


STARGAZING—Week of October 5th through October 11th, 2015

[embed][/embed]   On Monday, the moon goes void-of-course until early Tuesday. You can best use this introspective energy to complete existing projects, meditate, do simple tasks like answering e-mails, starting the dishwasher, or cleaning out a closet—anything except starting important...


STARGAZING — Monthly Astrology Overview — October, 2015

[embed][/embed]   October opens with Mercury still moving backwards. It's a fine time to review your circumstances with an eye on healing and resolving relationship conflicts. On Thursday, October 8th it's time for a new beginning and a perhaps a...


STARGAZING — Week of September 28th through October 4th, 2015

[embed][/embed]     The Aries-Libra Lunar Eclipse was on Sunday the 27th at 7:50 PM. It was both the Harvest Moon and a Super Moon, so hopefully, you got outside to see it. Aries and Libra continue to add to...


LIBRA 2015

LIBRA BALANCE IN RELATIONSHIPS AFFIRMATION Those I associate with will help me achieve my goals. MEDITATION October, 2015 brings the time to release the past and focus on manifesting your future. PROSPERITY AFFIRMATION Oh great and mighty Jupiter, Your blessings...


STARGAZING—Week of Sept. 21st to Sept. 27th, 2015

[embed][/embed]   The early work week brings a more serious, get-to-work tone. This is easier said than done because pleasure-loving Venus is in harmony with freedom-loving Uranus by Tuesday evening. Perhaps the best advice is to keep your nose to...


STARGAZING—Week of Sept. 14th through Sept. 20th, 2015

[embed][/embed]   This week of September 14th through 20th is the "I'll give you one more chance" week. It brings the only Jupiter/Neptune opposition of 2015, the last Mercury retrograde of the year, and Saturn's farewell to Scorpio. Relationship changes...