Opening To Your Intuition and Psychic Sensitivity: Book One

Opening To Your Intuition and Psychic Sensitivity: Book One


A “how to” book about opening  yourself up to receive the higher energies and develop your inner wisdom and spirituality.

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Elizabeth Joyce has been teaching spiritual classes for over three decades. This is book is a “how to” about opening  yourself up to receive the higher energies and develop your inner wisdom and spirituality.

Covered in book one are:

• White Light
• The Chakras
• The Aura
• Energy
• Natural Healing
• Telepathy
• Past Life Regression
• Seance.

There is also guidance on meditation and exercise to help you through the experiences you will have with your new knowledge. This book covers basics of opening up and working with your 6th sense.

After you complete this book, you can continue with the rest of the series. Purchase the trilogy all at once and save $10.

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