Astrology News & Advice



STARGAZING — Week of April 3rd through April 9th, 2017 As our current weather on the East Coast this week, the Stargazing forecast is cloudy with limited rays of sunshine. On Tuesday, April 4th Venus backs into Pisces for most of this month. Open your intuition and give yourself...


STARGAZING — Week of March 27th through April 2nd, 2017

[embed][/embed] There are two sign changes this week, as we enter into the month of April. The fire element is very strong now (Aries, Sagittarius), and that means we are all busy, busy, busy with our passion and creativity. There...



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ARIES 2017

Newsletter — ARIES 2017 AFFIRMATION Being true to yourself is what really counts, and this year I am putting that first. MEDITATION A LIVING PRESENCE I remain locked within the wings Of my Beloved Master. Held in the arms of...


STARGAZING—Week of March 20th through March 26th, 2017

[embed][/embed] For Spring Equinox on the 20th, there is an abundance of action signs in the fire element. Spring is finally here. It’s up to you to seize the day. It’s one of two days of the year when day...


STARGAZING — Week of March 6th through March 12th, 2017

[embed][/embed] Get ready to hide under the covers to get some extra rest because the cosmic activity is more difficult than usual with three significant events this week. Mars changes signs, we lose an hours sleep as we go into...