STARGAZING—Week of April 10th through April 16th, 2017

Apr 8, 2017 | Monthly Astrology|Stargazing

Late Sunday evening, the moon moves into Libra as it gathers energy for the Full Moon on Tuesday. Mercury begins it retrograde cycle Sunday afternoon, lasting through May 3. The celestial weather shifts into a more sunny and spring-like atmosphere as the bright light of Tuesday’s Full Moon beings a time of finishing up projects and completions. These next two weeks are the best days to bring things to their natural conclusion as well as to end some negative habits.

Although Libra represents balance and harmony, it’s under the influence of a Uranus opposition, which means all of us need to get ready for some surprising and challenging changes.

The Grand Cross that has been pulling you apart to put you back together in a better way for the past two months has this full moon landing directly on it. This heightens the action under the signs, Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn. You want to pioneer your own unique path, yet have happy relationships. You want to nurture yourself and those who are near and dear to your heart, yet you want to serve the larger good of humanity.

Don’t pack your schedule too tightly on the days surrounding this Full Moon, because unexpected tasks or activities are sure to pop up. Also pay attention to the budget because the Full Moon aligned with optimistic Jupiter can produce emotional purchases. Jupiter believes in doing it bigger- more is better and it’s not a great time to go to an all you can eat buffet!

However, this Full Moon can help you integrate all the various aspects of your life if you don’t mind a somewhat messy renovation and realignment of your priorities. Remember that Mercury just turned retrograde for the next three weeks, so review and revise how you put all the pieces of your life into a working whole and be sure not to ignore something important.

The week flows smoothly until Thursday when the Sun begins to align with revolutionary Uranus. You just have to step out of your normal routine on the 13th. Be eccentric and try something new. Go somewhere to be around people that are not in your normal lifestyle to gain a different perspective.

The need for change and progressive action is emphasized as early as Friday the 14th when the Sun and Uranus meet up for their once a year merger. Venus, the ruling planet for Libra, is in good shape on Saturday, as the planet stations and goes direct. This energy of forward movement releases the restrictions on setting wedding dates.

The Moon moves into Sagittarius for the weekend. This supports visiting nature, parties, and philosophical pursuits. Venus ends her retrograde cycle on Saturday, so the weeks ahead will help you move forward with shifts toward your love and money goals.

All this cosmic action comes with a bit of an overlap with Venus, which is retrograde until Saturday the 15th. Your current values and the way you think about what is important to you are changing — don’t fight it — allow it!

The normal retrograde patterns are still operative as they are fixing or improving communications and transportation devices is called for as is keeping an adaptable schedule. However, this Venus and Mercury retrograde combination also helps you realign your relationships and shift your values to new ideas, and meeting new people to help get you there.

Many will enjoy Easter Sunday at week’s end. This year Easter is blessed by the creative inspiration of a Sun-Moon fire trine. As the nice weather arrives, enjoy the warmth and closeness of family and friends.