Astrology News & Advice



Numerology: Your Personal Year 2017

Your Personal Year and Your Personal Month 2017 Numerology is the concept that all of life, known and unknown, is shaped by vibration and a specific creative moment of universal energy. As this energy moves and flows, it takes the...


A Look At December 2017

There are two big things to talk about this month. Mercury will be retrograde in Sagittarius from December 2/3 to the 22nd. This communications breakdown cycle calls for adaptability, especially in your upcoming holiday travel plans. It is also good...


Stargazing — Week of Nov. 27th through Dec. 3rd, 2017 The Holiday Season seems to be in full force this week, with a successful Black Friday, small business Saturday, and cyber Monday. Everyone’s out shopping. On Monday, mental Mercury aligns with Saturn. Odds are you will have part of...


Sagittarius 2017

Newsletter—SAGITTARIUS 2017 [caption id="attachment_5756" align="aligncenter" width="165"] Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays[/caption] AFFIRMATION I welcome Change and new experiences to feed my Soul! Prepare for a lighter winter - high winds, snow, and ice in late January and February We may...


STARGAZING — Week of Nov. 20th through Nov. 26th, 2017 If you are traveling for the coming USA Thanksgiving Day holiday, go easy if you are starting early in the week. The Sun changes signs, moving into Sagittarius, Neptune in Pisces moves forward, and a nice Mercury trine will...


I Am Safe — It’s Only Change

Change is coming as we approach the 2017 Holiday Season. Not only is Mercury retrograde through most of December, but Saturn moves from a free-flowing fire sign into a hard-core earth sign. On the darkest and longest night of the...