SAGITTARIUS FREEDOM — TRAVEL — TEACHING — KNOWLEDGE The Holiday Season is upon us, as well as an early winter. [caption id="attachment_5756" align="aligncenter" width="165"] Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays[/caption] We may never be remembered for doing great, great things in...
[embed][/embed] THIS week the focus on a meet-up and a wake-up call for Neptune. This is the first week of the two weeks of darkness the world must endure. Please keep your prayers going for the victims in...
[embed][/embed] Although we hope everyone gets along this week, remaining pleasant may be a challenge when the diplomatic Libra Moon squares unforgiving Pluto. Meanwhile, our desire for relationship harmony increases now that sweet Venus shifted into cooperative Libra...
STARGAZING — NOVEMBER 2015 November opens with the Sun in Scorpio, as Venus, the planet of Love conjuncts Mars, the planet if male creative force. You mutable signs could be enjoying a hot and crazy time, resulting in reproduction. This...
[embed][/embed] This week’s Full Moon ushers in Halloween and a return to standard time. Even though the sun is now traveling through Scorpio, a great deal of organizing Virgo energy is present, since Venus, Mars and Jupiter are moving...
SCORPIO SECRETS—UNCOVERING THE UNKNOWN THE SOARING EAGLE - OR THE SNAKE IN THE GRASS It's time to fall back with our clocks and prepare for a tough winter - beginning November 1st. We may never be remembered for doing great,...
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