Newsletter — AQUARIUS 2016 Chinese Astrology AFFIRMATION I am carefree and a risk-taker; I honor and love my uniqueness. MEDITATION The Life That Makes All Things New As you accept with patience and surrender the difficulties you encounter throughout life...
[embed][/embed] The week opens under the influence of a friendly Aquarius moon. You are supported in reaching out to new people or old friendships, but be sure to keep it light and easy. On Tuesday afternoon, harmonious Venus makes...
[embed][/embed] The primary emphasis in January is Mercury. Watch out now. Mercury retrogrades on Tuesday, the 5th through the 25th, which unfortunately could be the time when you flush your New Years Resolutions down the toilet. Mercury retrograde are...
[embed][/embed] Saturn has been in a challenging square relationship to Neptune most of last month, and continues through December. Part of you feels the burden of life, and part of you just wants to drift off beyond the veils...
[embed][/embed] LOOKING BACK at the year 2015 – it was a place for several important endings that began in 2012. One was the end of an era when the seven Uranus/Pluto squares finally ran their course, ending in March,...
[embed][/embed] LOOKING BACK at the year 2015 – it was a place for several important endings that began in 2012. One was the end of an era when the seven Uranus/Pluto squares finally ran their course, ending in March,...
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