Holy week had brought us Passover, Easter, family gatherings and Spring! With all the rushing around, travel, and cooking, this week brings a time to relax. Allow yourself to be low-key, lazy and cool. There are some challenges in...
PROPHECY FOR TODAY Prophecy is a word of many meanings, but it is commonly understood to mean "knowledge of the free future." How will God act in the future and how will mankind use his free will in the future?... As we walk through “Holy Week” go about getting in touch with your workable dreams on Monday, when Mercury meets Neptune in Pisces. The challenge is between the balancing self and others. The energy is the Moon making a... On Sunday, March 21st, Venus entered Aries until April 14th. This is the opposite of her favorite place to be, and known as her detriment. That doesn’t have to be bad, but it does mean that it is time...
Newsletter — ARIES 2021 AFFIRMATION Being true to yourself is what really counts, and this year I am putting that first. MEDITATION A LIVING PRESENCE I remain locked within the wings Of my Beloved Master. Held in the arms of... This week doesn’t get going until the weekend, when spring arrives at the equinox, and the Sun moves into Aries with a fiery burst of enthusiasm. The Moon is in Aries on Monday while mental Mercury moves into psychic...
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