


Iris Darlington — My Spiritual Eagle

The Monthly 2013 Predictions are posted at the first of the month. You must join our monthly subscription pages to read them. The magazine, "Psychic Visions Plus," posts monthly predictions, your monthly Numerology and Angel Guides, monthly Tarot for each...


STARGAZING — Week of December 9th – December 15th, 2013

The Monthly 2013 Predictions are posted at the first of the month. You must join our monthly subscription pages to read them. The magazine, "Psychic Visions Plus," posts monthly predictions, your monthly Numerology and Angel Guides, monthly Tarot for each...


STARGZING — Week of December 2nd to December 5th, 2013

The Monthly 2013 Predictions are posted at the first of the month. You must join our monthly subscription pages to read them. The magazine, "Psychic Visions Plus," posts monthly predictions, your monthly Numerology and Angel Guides, monthly Tarot for each...


December Predictions 2013_Heads UP!!!

WHAT'S AHEAD FOR THE NEW YEAR? December brings a time of push, pull energies. The energetic time leading up to Christmas day are more powerful that usual. A transfer of power is at hand, and we just may not like...


BBSRadio—Let's Find Out: Guest: Luisa Rasiej – Nov. 18th, 2013

LUISA RASIEJ - Worldwide energetic healer, author, life coach, speaker Luisa is a top notch energetic healer, combining past lives and past-present lifetimes to lift our grief, sorrows, and remove whatever energy is holding us back from our good, success,...


STARGAZING — week of November 17th to November 24th, 2013

The Monthly 2013 Predictions are posted at the first of the month. You must join our monthly subscription pages to read them. The magazine, "Psychic Visions Plus," posts monthly predictions, your monthly Numerology and Angel Guides, monthly Tarot for each...