This week’s energy blows like the wind, hot and cold. However, it could flow easy if you can adapt and go with the flow. Venus (Scorpio) reaches the exact trine...
The New Moon with a Solar Eclipse occurs on October 2nd. This is a powerful time when we can create valuable things; however we may also have to expect disruptions....
This week is crucial as the long awaited moment has finally arrived. The first wave of the 5D Ascension timeline. This energy is with us until April, 2025. There is...
[caption id="attachment_48561" align="alignleft" width="150"] |[/caption] An entire book could be written on Monday’s aspects alone. This Full Moon is a microphone loudly broadcasting what needs to change in your life...
Stargazing — Week of Aug. 12th through Aug. 18th, 2024 The approaching square of Pisces Saturn to Jupiter can lead to critical questions about overly optimistic plans. The quality of...
STARGAZING — Week of Aug. 5th through Aug. 11th, 2024 The beginning of August brings us dignity, love, and a breath of fresh air for the first two weeks; powerful...
Stargazing Full Moon in Capricorn — 30 degrees Capricorn This is an interesting, but hard to interpret, full moon. It is in the last degree of old school Capricorn,...
STARGAZING – Week of July 8th through July 14th, 2024 July is energetically charged with explosive Uranus and “I want it now” Mars. It would be beneficial to accomplish...
May is about love and sensuality. The last weeks of the month will bring an unusual lightness. It’s a perfect time to free yourself from the chains of one-way obligations....
The Taurus New Moon on May 8th is close to Uranus and exactly between Venus and Jupiter in Taurus, which brings material needs into focus. However, it’s also an exceedingly...
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