Stargazing — Week of May 20th through May 26, 2024

May 20, 2024 | Stargazing, Stargazing

May is about love and sensuality. The last weeks of the month will bring an unusual lightness. It’s a perfect time to free yourself from the chains of one-way obligations. There is nothing wrong with seeking out fun and good times. Not all of life has to be serious to be worthwhile. Sharing with family and friends warms the heart.

The Sun enters Gemini on Monday- May 20 and forms an exact trine to Pluto two days later. This brings a noticeable change in the quality of time for the rest of the month. It will be a lively and active few weeks. The fun and bright side of life can be enjoyed now. You can stop worrying about the world’s problems and get out there, share, and enjoy.


The Full Moon is in Sagittarius on Wednesday, May 23. This brings a feeling of freedom, expansion, and a desire to travel. This Full Moon is jam packed with astrological aspects to help shake off tired, stagnant routines or worn out obligations so you can feel free of the baggage of the past. It’s time to align yourself with the forces and people who really have your best interest at heart.

Simultaneously, Venus conjoins Jupiter in the last degree of Taurus. Only hours later, she also enters Gemini. Now, we can feel something like optimism, and an unusual lightness reminds us that we can communicate with each other to solve problems

If you’ve been surrounded by vultures that take rather than give, this week is the time to turn that habit around. Kindness and loyalty is what is desirable. It’s out there and you will find it for yourself in the upcoming weeks.

When Jupiter enters Gemini on Saturday, May 25th, it’s hard not to realize that a new phase is beginning for you. There is an added energy of glamorous romance and exciting socializing.

Overall, be willing to explore ideas and activities that are out of your comfort zone. There are more possibilities for the next stage of your life than you can see right now. Be open!

Sunday is a great time to tackle chores, but you may be exhausted by evening, so plan to turn in early.