ELIZABETH'S NEW BOOK IS NOW AVAILABLE August 2014 Available to order I have just completed my seventh book, Seeding and Nurturing the Garden of Your Soul, and it is available...
Newsletter—LEO 2014 AFFIRMATION I have inner strength and create balance in my life! MEDITATION THE GOLDEN ROSE OF SUMMER The Life That Makes All Things New As you accept with...
Newsletter—CANCER 2014 AFFIRMATION I am solely in charge of my future! MEDITATION THE GOLDEN ROSE OF SUMMER The Life That Makes All Things New As you accept with patience and...
Newsletter—GEMINI 2014 AFFIRMATION Knowing what matters is the first step towards having it MEDITATION THE GOLDEN ROSE OF SUMMER The Life That Makes All Things New As you...
Newsletter—TAURUS 2014 AFFIRMATION Allowing me to change my belief system helps me to evolve into the person I really am MEDITATION MAY FLOWERS BRING JOY, WONDERMENT, AND BEAUTY The...
THE ANNUAL 2014 PREDICTIONS WERE POSTED NEW YEAR'S DAY, and the monthly 2014 Predictions are posted at the first of the month. You must join our monthly subscription pages to...
THE ANNUAL 2014 PREDICTIONS WERE POSTED NEW YEAR'S DAY, and the monthly 2014 Predictions are posted at the first of the month. You must join our monthly subscription pages to...
Elizabeth works with phone calls, in person, and Skype to give readings all over the world. Every Full Reading is recorded as an MP3 file. Skype parties also available!...
Newsletter—ARIES 2014 AFFIRMATION Aries, Aim before you fire! Please! MEDITATION SPRING IS HERE—I HEAR Feel Blessed When You're Feeling Good - and Be Graceful When You're Feeling Bad The happiest...
THE ANNUAL 2014 PREDICTIONS WERE POSTED NEW YEAR'S DAY, and the monthly 2014 Predictions are posted at the first of the month. You must join our monthly subscription pages to...
Born as one of two sets of identical twins, Elizabeth Joyce has been psychic since birth.
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