Astrology News & Advice



2002 — My Mystical Experiences – Precognition

My Mystical Experiences by Elizabeth Joyce Published 1992 & 2002 Was she out-of-body, or dreaming? Was the experience only precognitive, or also a projection of strength and protection for the future event? My personal experiences with out-of-body began as a...


2002 — The National ID Card – It's Almost Here – political insights

National ID Cards - Almost Here! By: Elizabeth Joyce Published 2002 - New Visions Magazine - Philadelphia, P Let's go back a few thousand years—just for a second. Let's employ the wisdom of one of the wisest human beings who...


2008— Casting Love Spells

Casting Love Spells By Elizabeth Joyce Published 2008 Love spells rituals have been collected around the world. What makes casting love spells so popular? It may be the earthiness of casting spells. You feel like you are doing something for...


Out of Body Experiences

The following is a true story and was filmed for Unsolved Mysteries as well as The Psychic Detectives. ____ My body stiffened at my son's terrified cry. "Mom, Mom, watch out!" As I was driving, I was blinded by approaching...


Stargazing – Week of June 14 to June 20,2010

I leave Sunday, June 20th, for Albuquerque, NM to be with the Holy Mother, Ammachi, for a week. There will be no column this next week. I return just in time to prepare the July pages of the on-line magazine,...


STARGAZING – WEEK OF June 7th, to June 13, 2010

WELCOME TO THE LONG, HOT SUMMER! Expansive Jupiter has entered Aries and Mars has changed signs, entering Virgo. Positively, you can begin to manifest your desires and creative ideas. Negatively, you may feel "my way or the highway" as well...