Virgo – 2011

Aug 23, 2011 | Special Messages

Newsletter – VIRGO 2011


Life includes work, play, and sharing!


We give you a vision now of your brethren, kneeling around the altar in the temple of the Eight Pointed Star. With the body in the lotus position, they are worshiping the ever-glowing light of the jewel of the White Lotus Blossom. This White Lotus glows in the glory of every heart. The jewel within this lotus – the glow of the Ruby – is pure and still. As you meditate on this you will learn real wisdom. You will learn to go directly to this jewel hidden deep within you, and here, in a timeless flash, you will comprehend the truth. Not with your mind, but with your heart.

—Elizabeth Joyce – 9/27/1997

September brings Labor Day, school starting,
the Fall Equinox, and Rosh Hashanah.

The Sun has entered VIRGO

The earth sign of Virgo, symbolized by the Corn Maiden, accentuates the path of personal service and purity. It represents work and service to mankind of the highest order. Through dedication to physical fitness and holistic healing, your body can become a sacred temple for the spirit within, allowing it to emerge into your everyday life. Don’t expect miracles overnight, and most Virgo’s don’t as they are quite practical. Be gentle with yourself as you eliminate those nasty habits of doubt, criticism and worry. Reawaken the wonder of learning and the satisfaction of simple joys, but turn away from the fanaticism that fosters a workaholic temperament or leads you into a hermit-like existence. Efficiency and industriousness are your twin assets, leading to complete success at this time, the beginning of the harvest cycle of the year.

Virgos usually receive the Zodiac’s backlash. They are detailed, organized, methodical, chaste and very insecure. Very critical of themselves, they seem to expect the same from others, which can cause resentment and jealousy. However, they do make up for this with their charm, as they are of the most unassuming variety. Virgo’s approach is usually subtle, surprisingly tender, their standards are high, but they ultimately can accept differences and flaws once they get to know and trust you. With a Virgo, trust is never given, it has to be earned.

Based on the Rune (Constraint) and Animal (Beaver) September brings a determination for hard work and consistency. It is time to watch your cash inflow and spending, to stay focused and gently remind others of your efforts and achievements. Don’t give up as a new beginning is at hand. Remember “the squeeky wheel gets the grease.”

From: Medicine Cards by Sams & Carson, published by Bear & Co.

BEAVER: Builder

Beaver…teach me to build my dreams
Including others too.

One mind, one thought
The hearts as one,
Lessons learned from you!

Beaver is the doer of the animal kingdom. Beaver medicine is akin to water and earth energy, and incorporates a strong sense of family and home. If you were to look at the dams that block woodland streams, you would find several entrances and exits. In building its home, Beaver always leaves itself many alternate escape routes. This practice is a lesson to all of us not to paint ourselves into corners. If we eliminate our alternatives, we dam up the flow of experiences into our lives. A doer is characterized by industriousness, and Beaver knows that limitation cancels productivity.

Beaver is armed with very sharp teeth that are capable of felling whole trees. Imagine what those teeth could do to the limbs of predators. From the rear, Beaver is armed with a paddle-like tail that aids in swimming as well as in guarding its behind. This tiny mammal is well equipped to protect its creation.

To understand Beaver medicine, you might take a look at the power of working and attaining a sense of achievement. In building a dream, teamwork is necessary. To accomplish a goal with others involves working with the group in mind. Group mind constitutes harmony of the highest order, without individual egos getting in the way. Each partner in the project honors the talents and abilities of others, and knows how to complete the piece of the puzzle that belongs to them. In working well with others, and sense of community is achieved and unity ensues.

September 2011—the strong and earthly Vigro energies – is the time to put your ideas into action or to complete some project that has been neglected. The Beaver could also be asking you to settle differences with fellow workers and friends. Beaver tells you to look for alternative solutions to life’s challenges and to protect the creations which you have put love and energy into.

Sometimes Beaver may bring you a warning to watch your back! If this is your message, you will sense it. This could become a time of laziness and apathy or fear of opening new doors of opportunity. Move forward! Trust and use caution and all will unfold as planned, in a positive and creative way for you.

SEPTEMBER CRYSTAL: Tourmaline and Sapphire

TOURMALINE: Aids in balancing of endocrine system. Aids with sleep cycles. Strengthens, vitalizes body/mind. Aligns subtle bodies. Dispels fear and negative conditions providing a strong, protective influence. Creates inspiration and helps with focus and concentration. Enhances sensitivity and intuitive understanding. Powerful healer, highly electromagnetic. The various colors of Tourmaline will activate and align the corresponding Chakras. (Black – Root Chakra, Watermelon, red-green – Root & Solar Plexus Chakras, Green – Solar Plexus Chakra, Blue-Throat Chakra, Red/Pink – Root & Heart Chakras.)

SAPPHIRE: Strengthens heart and kidneys. Activates pituitary gland, thereby aiding entire glandular system. Aligns body/mind/spirit. Stimulates psychic ability, clarity and inspiration. Enhances creative expression, loyalty and inner love. Aids connection with your Blessed Higher Self and your Spirit Guides. Strengthens will. Dispells confusion and expands awareness. Excellent stone to hold during meditation.


CONSTRAINT – Necessity – Pain

Hagalaz represents the urge to change. This Rune brings freedom, invention and liberation. The time of Virgo energies 2011 indicate a pressing need within the psyche to break free from constricting identification with material reality and to experience the world of archetypal mind.

Hagalaz is the Rune of elemental disruption, representing unaccountable weather conditions, sudden storms, winds and events beyond your control. The energies of Virgo will be a time of Awakening although the form in which the awakening takes may vary for each one of us. Perhaps you will experience a gradual feeling of coming to your senses, as though you were emerging from a long sleep. Then again, the onset of power may be such as to rip away the fabric of what you previously knew as your reality, your security, your understanding of yourself, your work, your relationships and beliefs.

Be aware, however, that what operates here is not ultimately an outside force, not a situation of you at the mercy of the externals. Your own nature is creating what is happening and you are not without power in the situation. The inner strength you have funded until now in your life, is your support and guide at a time when everything you’ve taken for granted is being challenged.

This time of VIRGO 2011 puts us all on notice! Severe changes are on the way! You may sustain loss or damage. A tree may fall on your home, your town may be hit by a tidal wave, or tornadoes, a relationship may fail, plans go wrong, a source of financial supply may dry up. Be forewarned! Be encouraged to understand and accept that what occurs is necessary, called for in your deepest self as a cry for a pressing need for growth.

There is nothing trivial about this RUNE. The more severe the disruption in your life, the more significant and timely the requirements for your growth. The term radical discontinuity best describes the action of this, a Cycle of Runes at its most forceful. The Universe and your own Soul are demanding that you do, indeed, grow.

Don’t be afraid to make the leap or take the chance.


This has always been the section for Healing Requests. Through the power of group prayers, healing take place spontaneously. You can be of help to many others, as well as your loved ones, with one minute of silence at 7:30 pm EST every Sunday evening anywhere in the world. With a prayer for the recovery of health, universal energy is sent out to any and all who send in their prayer request. What is needed is the name and birth date of the ill person, along with a diagnosis, if possible. What are you asking to be lifted? When you place your request in the Healing Circle of Light—located in our Prayer Room; know that as soon as you make your Prayer request and Healing request, you will begin to see positive results!

(We have had thousands of responses. Keep the Prayers going for all concerned!)

Discover the secrets of your Astrological Sun Sign, Moon Sign and Rising Sign
and read them all together, for monthly guidance and direction.


September 12th Full Moon in Pisces brings an emotional period that interferes with detailed work, but is great for empathy, meditation and creativity. Use this mysterious Pisces moonlight to look deep into your inner core and find out exactly who is in there.

The September 27th New Moon in Libra brings communication and cooperation. The focus is on personal relationships and legal agreements. Expect a possible showdown which makes this a good time to discuss fruitful ideas.

VIRGO: Polarity: Masculine Sign: Mutable Element: Earth Planetary Rule: 6th House/Venus Body: Head, Arms, Shoulders FOCUS: I analyze.



Although 2012 will get off to a slow start, you’ll quickly pick up speed after the first quarter. Money, people, domestic life, and your career will be in the spotlight. You could also so a bit of traveling during the first six months of 2012. A conservative financial path along with planning for the future is the wisest choice in money matters.

Jupiter is in Taurus as 2012 opens creating a desire for knowledge and travel. If it’s financially feasible , this may be the time to take that dream vacation! This energy is especially advantageous for education that can advance your career. Taking a short-term class before Jupiter moves into Gemini on June 11th could have an amazing influence on your career. Also, your thoughts may turn towards your religious or spiritual nature. You can pursue this in any number of ways from reading to religion to learning about other cultures and their traditions and beliefs.

Your career will benefit from Jupiter’s transit through Gemini for about a year. This influence, which occurs once every twelve years, can bring wonderful opportunities for success and advancement. The firs of these comes in mid-July, but use your notable common sense when choosing which opportunity to pursue. Also be cautious about taking on more that you can reasonably handle in the allotted time, which can be a downfall. More often than not, you’ll be among the favored few in your company, with some influential people backing your efforts.

Saturn effects your finances through October of 2012. Since 2009 you may have had some fluctuating financial matters, and even if finances are stable, you could be motivated to spend more that is practically wise. This is Saturn’s message, to be cautious, maintain good financial habits, or put a plan into action to adopt them.

Saturn also reminds you to examine whatever you value, and that you are your most valuable possession. Think about what is the most important to you in your life, what really matters, and then embrace your priorities. You can also use this energy to get organized while cleaning out long-unused clothing and possessions. Profit from them through a yard sale or head out to the consignment shop.

In 2012 you are encouraged to redefine yourself by getting in touch with your creativity. A good way to begin is to learn a new, and practical, hobby such as a home improvement skill, furniture refinishing, or specialized gardening. Give writing a try! Over time you’ll reap the benefits of increased confidence and self-knowledge, and you might turn the hobby into a money-making enterprise.



 Aries (3/21 – 4/20)

The September New Moon in Libra on the 27th brings fresh energy to your relationships. Focus on that when the alignments focus on conflicts. You can resolve long-standing issues through honest and tactful talk when you keep an open mind. Realize that what works for you doesn’t automatically work for everyone else.

 Taurus (4/21-5/21)

In September egos and power plays add to stress. And the best option is to stay on the sidelines. If that’s impossible don’t be too vocal, even if you’re sure that you’re right. Others are not likely to listen. It’s a good idea to document everything but the most routine discussions.

 Gemini (5/21-6/20)

You will want to be very cautious with investments in September. What appears to be a sure thing is highly likely to be the opposite, resulting in a loss. This energy can also present challenges with a loan or mortgage, insurance, and benefits. A friend or romantic interest could be involved.

 Cancer (6/21-7/22)

Expect stress with your home life, partnerships and career as September opens, Cancer. Do your best to steer clear of controlling people rather than get pulled into a power play. Changes at work are possible and you may need to handle a major house repair.

 Leo (7/23-8/22)

In September you might wish that you could turn off your phone or skip your e-mail. That’s probably unrealistic, so you’ll simply have to weather the situation, especially at the Fall Equinox and New Moon. This can spark disagreements at the workplace and heated conversations with people at a distance. Avoid travel at month’s end, as it’s prone to delays and cancellations, probably due to weather conditions.

 Virgo (8/23-9/22)

You’ll want to save all you can during the month of September, Virgo. Unexpected expenses arise, and investments could lose value. It’s possible that your partner’s income may dip, insurance premiums rise, or that company benefits are reduced. You are faced with forced responsibility and thrift.

 Libra (9/23-10/22)

Career and relationships could be topsy-turvy in June. This could leave you feeling unsettled. Do your best to stay on the sidelines when controversy disrupts your workday. Find a daily stress reliever that works for you. Curl up with a relaxing book.

Scorpio (10/ 23-11/22)

This is the month to strengthen your immune system, Scorpio. Eat well, make sleep a priority, and take time off if a virus or the flu has you under the weather. This is a good time to schedule a physical checkup if you haven’t had one in awhile.

Sagittarius (11/23-12/21)

September brings challenges with a friendship or group activity. If you can do it, the best choice is to walk away rather than deal with the conflict. It’s also possible that you may need to step in if you’re concerned with your children’s friends. Money may be involved in some way.

 Capricorn (12/22-1/19)

Career-related challenges are September’s hotspot. The difficulty peaks at the workplace as well as with power plays and controlling people. Do your best to steer clear of it all but resist the desire to move on, especially if you are thinking about opening a home-base business—just know that planets are testing your staying power.

 Aquarius (1/20-2/18)

Travel and legal matters are the difficulties you have to face in September, Aquarius. In-laws and possibly other relatives could also elevate stress. You’ll have an indication as we approach the Fall Equinox of what may be on the horizon. Take no risks, and be sure to catch a ride if out socializing. Mechanical problems are also possible.

 Pisces (2/19-3/20)

Money matters bring challenges in September, Pisces. Issues previously dealt with earlier in the year arise again and require your attention. Your partner’s income or that of an organization may be affected. There is a solution: take an innovative approach, which could ease some of the tension. Perhaps a part-time job will be considered. If debt is an issue, initiate communication with creditors to resolve the problem, even if a minor one.

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