The Two Eclipses and June 2012
FACEBOOK? The world “hype” showed us a great example of why you don’t gamble, make big decisions, drive fast, or sign contracts just before an eclipse. Especially the second one in two weeks. Things that are hidden before an eclipse will always show themselves after it passes. Facebook took their company public, which drove the stock market up prior to the eclipse, but now the stock has dropped dramatically.

What’s next with this energy? We need to watch for November of 2012 and May of 2013. My sense is that there may be no voting on election day. This could be because of “space weather” sun spot storms or hurricane forces that interrupt the power lines and an important power grid.
The Lunar Eclipse on Monday, June 4th is in the jovial and lucky sign of Sagittarius. It’s time to Believe and know that life is meant to be lived at its fullest. Time for fun, sun, and travel. You have wrapped up many of your responsibilities, so take a needed break to lay back and relax.
Be sure to schedule some meditation time daily because our Galaxy will be releasing some high energy containing knowledge and higher learning down to the planet. Expect many strange events, as well as people talking about “hearing messages” and “aliens form afar.” Expand your thinking to go to the outer limits, beyond traditional boundaries. Take time to find the space to allow the flow of the Universe to fill you. Whether you take nature walks, go bird hunting, fishing, sailing, sit down against a willow tree, go to the mountains or simply sit on the beach and listen to the surf.

This summer will roll by quickly, I promise, because Jupiter has moved into the fast moving sign of Gemini. This Full Moon asks you to become more adaptable and open your mind to new possibilities. Try not to have any rigid thinking right now, because you could alienate others.
One of the summer’s bright spots is an alignment between Venus and Jupiter. The Goddess of Love is retrograding in Gemini until June 27th, and remains in the Sign of the Twins until early August. She will happily spend a good part of the summer close to Jupiter. The proximity of both planets to the lunar South Node indicates that an unusually large number of reunions and reconnects will occur this summer. It’s sure to be a busy season, both for travelers and on social networking sites.
The world wide and fabulous Internet continues to rapidly evolve as a powerful communications tool and an engine of commerce. However, harsh square aspects between Venus and Jupiter to Neptune underscore the hidden dangers on the web: financial scammers, malicious hackers, secret surveillance and data gathering, among them. Also be wary of false prophets and get rich quick schemes. Over the summer please be careful and vigilant, especially of identity theft.
Venus is making a rare transit across the face of the Sun on the 5th. Consider how your life force and values are aligned or need realignment. On the worldly level, this can bring new ideas to manifest money or relationships. On the spiritual level, you are realigning to have spiritual purpose be a focal point in your daily life. When you are spiritually aligned with your actions in the mundane world, you receive much more help and support as compared to feeding the emotionally addictive desires of your personality ego.

Jupiter tells you that it is time to expand to the next level. It is time to learn something new, travel to a new place, or open your consciousness to a higher level of thinking. Gemini is associated with the lower mind- education, short trips, and mental curiosity. The energies may ask that you take a short trip for study and learning, although it could be to a far away location.
For the next year, you will be bring your higher thoughts down into use in the world; and, you will take your mental ideas and align them with higher Spiritual principles. You must speak higher truth without worrying if people will disapprove of you, and you must communicate that higher truth in a way that people will understand it. Using kindness and love should do the trick. Be caring about what you say and what you do.
Many people will choose to relocate over the next year, and others will simply get the “travel bug” to go somewhere. Jupiter requires that you take a risk on yourself to manifest your dreams. These positive energies will help you to take that leap of faith. For more details of the perils of June, join my subscription pages.
To prepare for this extra special time, consider taking the retreat with Elizabeth Joyce in August. Click here for details.