The August 17th New Moon in Leo

Aug 16, 2012 | Special Messages

The New Moon In Leo

The Mars and Saturn Dance in Libra

Not even the best month would be complete without at least one major challenge; August happily complies by placing its most troublesome day right in the middle. Indeed, August 15 is when Mars and Saturn get up in each others business. Mars wants to plow through red tape, head straight for the finish line and let the pieces fall where they may; Saturn, meanwhile, is the planet that put up all that red tape in the first place! As tensions build, you could become increasingly frustrated and accident-prone. As a means of coping, focus your attention on a precise task; something in which details are part of the finished product and not simply present to slow you down. Take this opportunity to organize a closet, work on a puzzle, or perhaps even weed the garden.

August 15th brings the alignment of ambitious Mars and long-term planner Saturn in the balancing sign of Libra. This has been building since the Colorado shooting and is likely to have implications for challenged locations like Syria. So even though you are likely to see some uncomfortable expressions of this energy this week, don’t give up faith because the creation of long-term solutions is at hand. Be aware that Mars and Saturn are aligned with the star Arcturus now. This stars acts like a gateway between the pioneer and the cultivator. You must be willing to take actions to open to a new path and new activities/goals. Yet, you must also be willing to be practical and bring them down to earth over time.

This includes your life, and the New Moon on Friday the 17th helps you see where your heart is engaged. You can take steps now towards future goals. However, it would be wise to make sure you are not just talking—a Leo New Moon says that you must be passionate about where you are putting your energy.

So make a plan this week, and that includes releasing those things you talk about a lot and never get around to doing. Take some play and/or creative time to feel what you are passionate about vs. what you feel you “should do.” Then begin to put action to a long-term plan. Venus and Pluto also bring manipulation and jealousy to an already murky August 15. Fortunately, on August 16, Venus shakes things up with Uranus, adding an element of excitement to your romantic life!

On August 17, the Leo Sun pairs sensibly with Saturn to help you get plans squared away. Also on August 17, the New Moon in Leo persuades you to get some of these new ventures rolling—possibly even a new romance! Finally, on August 18, Mercury and Uranus send sparks of inspiration your way, so when a crazy, but brilliant idea begins to grow in your mind, go with it! The Sun transiting Leo, through August 22nd, knows that fortune aligns well with fame, and any financial problems that have weighed you down recently should finally get resolved. So chin up, on we go, and so the best you can to bring happiness, love, and stability to your friends, neighbors, and community.