Stargazing — Week of December 23rd through Dec. 29th, 2024

Dec 23, 2024 | Uncategorized

On the 21st, the Sun enters Capricorn – it is the solstice. At the same time, the Moon opposes Saturn and squares Jupiter. The square between Saturn and Jupiter becomes exact on December 24th.

Christmas is a time when the extended families come from far and wide to gather together under one roof. They bring all their diverse personalities and ways of doing things. Love and patience will be required because there is sure to be some clashes and discomfort. It varies to the degree that everyone wants to do things their own way. You may need to take lots of deep breaths.

On Christmas Eve the more laid-back, easy going members of the family could be at odds with the over-planning, control freaks who want to uphold every tradition and plan every moment to a “T”. Luckily, the energy calms down by mid-day on Christmas, making the rest of the time warm and loving.

With Mercury opposite Jupiter on the 26th, a T-square is formed that remains active throughout the rest of Christmas season. Don’t allow any resentments to pile up and ruin your revere.

This tension during the Christmas period will be hard to ignore, but it could have a revitalizing effect. Mercury and Jupiter indicate a fundamental openness and willingness to communicate. Share and listen before you judge.

However, the focus of the T-square is Saturn in Pisces. It speaks of a lack of compassion, the soul’s thirst for a spiritual home, and the fear of being forgotten. Take this voice seriously, too, for it can lead those willing to engage with their innermost selves deep into the mystery of Christmas – the birth of the new Lght in the darkness.

On December 27th, Mercury squares Saturn, and Venus squares Uranus on the 28th. The Capricorn New Moon is on December 30th. Retrograde Mars is about to reach the opposition to Pluto in Aquarius (which is exact on January 3rd, 2025).

The mood at the end of the month is relatively sober and increasingly charged. This is an excellent time to look back at the past year’s events. The conclusions that arise from this could be more straightforward than expected and show you which path to take in the New Year.

Realize that your family members mean well even though they may be very different from you. You only need to be with it for a few days. The astrological aspects do not form a happy union through New Years Day. Step back, watch and wait, and feel the relief of freedom to be who you are as we enter 2025 the Year of Light!

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