The Truth About 2012

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MARCH 15 to 21, 2010
The Air Signs
Gemini, Libra, Aquarius
Your goals are in focus, and some of them even seem to be within reach. You appear poised to succeed. You’re ready to take on a lot of responsibility for the good of the community, and by doing so, your overall popularity seems all set to soar. There is also a New Moon on Monday, which brings even more benefits your way and brings a two-week window of opportunity that allows you to make changes and think about new beginnings associated with your career or other responsibilities. Mercury and the Sun move into Aries and herald the arrival of the Spring Equinox. Don’t let fear keep you from getting ahead. You need to face it squarely and keep on doing so. It will then become your greatest ally. If you feel like taking stock of your skills, talents, and abilities, this is the time to do so. You may want to rewrite your resume to be more positive and upbeat at the same time. The New Moon is excellent if you’re thinking of making a major purchase or you need a loan or other form of credit. Smile Air Signs; Spring is almost here!
Your Love Week—Air Signs:
Career matters will keep you quite busy on Monday and Tuesday, Air Signs, as the Sun and Mercury finish up their treks through Pisces. There may be some surprises due you, but by the time Mercury changes signs on Wednesday and then meets up with assertive Mars in Leo later that day, you’ll be far more concerned with relationship matters, which are far more to your liking. If you’ve been thinking about a new way to make a living, this is definitely the time to put that plan into motion. In fact, this week may even be a better time to make it work. No matter what you’ve been thinking about a loved one, you’ll be more than able to cut to the chase and say whatever it is that’s on your mind, no matter how radical or rebellious it seems to be, thanks to Mercury and the Sun making their way into fiery Aries. Once you’ve done all that, your only quest will be to deal with Thursday’s Mercury/Saturn opposition, which will keep you even more honest and aboveboard than you’ve ever even thought about. Mercury and serious Saturn will come together to convince you that it’s time to have a discussion about the future with someone you care for deeply, a discussion that may even convince you to settle down permanently. A bit of jealousy or resentment could muddy up the waters this weekend, even if things seem to be going along well, but it won’t escalate if you don’t add any energy to the situation. Saturday’s Mercury/Pluto square will challenge you to deal with jealousy and resentment, whether they’re coming at you or coming from you. Sun and Mars will help you talk your way out of anything even remotely uncomfortable. The good news is that by Sunday you’ll be able to enjoy yourself with a partner in both cerebral and amorous ways, and that will be quite the relief!
The Fire Signs
Aries, Leo, Sagittarius
Both Mercury and the Sun move into Aries this week, which is going to boost your desire for adventure. This is a chance to indulge in experiences that could have a lot to teach you. The Spring Equinox is this week, so welcome it in by cleaning your home, clearing out clutter, and making your abode happy and lovely. Decorate, buy fresh flowers, and give yourself a boost. If you’ve been thinking about moving, this is an excellent time to put your house on the market. If you’re moving to a new area, you’re also in luck. Jupiter may be encouraging you to expand and move somewhere much more spacious. Mercury moves into Aries on Wednesday, followed by the Sun on Saturday, so think about letting your creative side out to play. Also, Mercury squares Pluto on Saturday, so mind how you go when it comes to talking over issues that may require some tact and discretion. If you’re too heavy-handed, you could start an argument. There may be a clash of opinions on Sunday. Rise above it!
Your Love Week—Fire Signs:
You’re one of the most romantic signs in the heavens, Fire Signs; in fact, there is absolutely nothing you’re fonder of than being in love. So this week, with the New Moon on Monday in sweet, sensitive Pisces followed within the hour by communicative Mercury and surprising Uranus, who’ll bring startling – if not shocking – news, you’ll have your hands full with admirers even if you’re currently attached. Oh, and then there’s the Sun and Uranus, who will meet up the same way in the same sign and bring just about the same news around midnight Tuesday. Think of it as an astrological “instant replay.” Obviously, it will be next to impossible for you to ignore these cosmic messengers, Fire Signs, especially since they’ll be creating a veritable parade, but then, why would you even want to? Family matters will make you absolutely crazy this week. Despite your best efforts to the contrary, you will have no feasible way to avoid becoming involved, as much as you’ll try, and as hard as you’ve tried in the past under similar circumstances. The good news is that the drama (or, more accurately, the melodrama) will be over by Wednesday, when Mercury sets off for Aries, bringing along some extremely pleasant distractions. For example, Mercury in Aries will form an energetic opposition with serious Saturn in Libra on Thursday, so if there’s anyone out there you’ve been keeping company with for months in a strictly platonic way, don’t be surprised if that company suddenly seems to mean more to you than it did before, and for entirely different reasons. That will go double for the weekend. When both Mercury and the Sun set off for Aries by the end of the week, you’ll be thinking about a weekend away with your sweetheart – just you two, with no interruptions from the outside world. Turn off your cell phones, too! It begins on Saturday when the Sun enters Aries a few hours after Mercury and intense Pluto square off, creating the stuff that jealousy is made of—once again. Get past that by using the energy that lovers create, and you’ll be done with the toughest part of your mission for the week.
The Water Signs
Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces
The New Moon in Pisces on Monday is one of the best New Moons of the year for you Water Signs. You have carte blanche to make changes in any area of life you choose. You also have a two-week window of opportunity in which to make the most of this time. Overall, you are in an upbeat and positive frame of mind. This is a good opportunity to set goals in motion, start a diet or new health routine, or find a new job or relationship. Do it now and you will have a better chance of success than at any other time in 2010. Jupiter will be in Pisces for some time, encouraging you to use your imagination and allow it to inform and guide your life. There is much you can achieve by making use of images and image work to enable you to make use of all of your potential. This New Moon on Monday also brings the opportunity for a fresh start, with which you may decide to begin a new relationship or new business. Also, Mercury conjuncts Uranus on Monday, so expect a message or piece of information to inspire or perhaps shock you into taking action. This promises to be an active and fulfilling week so “get out there.” Be bold!
Your Love Week—Water Signs:
If you have apologies to extend, Water Signs, this is definitely the week to do it. Monday’s New Moon will plant a seed of new beginnings for you. There is a crew of planets gathered that are nothing if not tender and compassionate, and along with your innate empathy, there’s really nothing you won’t do now for someone you love, or for a complete stranger, in fact. They’ve been holding court in your energy field of lovers, and while Venus has already moved on, Uranus, the Sun, and Mercury will stay behind at least for the beginning of this week. So if you have a romantic evening planned, do it on Monday or Tuesday and make sure it’s a total surprise. By Wednesday, however, things will start to change big time. Mercury will set off for impetuous Aries, and just a few hours later he’ll contact red-hot Mars in equally fiery Leo. Talk about passion! Be on the lookout for someone, most likely a co-worker, but also quite possibly a higher-up, who will make it clear that they’re interested in you for far more than your work performance. Also, once Wednesday arrives, Mercury will begin a parade. He’ll set off for Aries, which will affect your relationships with co-workers, but since his first meeting will be with Mars, a far more than businesslike attraction could occur between you and the person who signs your checks. Be careful if that’s the case. If things don’t work out, you could get yourself involved in a tricky situation. In fact, a bit of jealousy could occur as soon as Saturday, thanks to a Mercury/Pluto square backed up by the Sun, who will follow Mercury into Aries that day. Sunday’s astrological aspects will be far mellower, though, so sit back, relax, and don’t feed any energy into the situation. The weekend arrives, complete with a full cast of planets in Fire Signs, and there’s no doubt you’ll need to take Monday off, and so will your sweetheart—if he or she can keep up with you, that is.
The Earth Signs
Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn
If you want to commit to a more serious love partnership, this is the time to do so. Over the week, both Mercury and the Sun move into Aries. This changes the focus may encourage you to be more proactive where your joint financial affairs are concerned. But mind how you go, as there could be arguments and disagreements by the weekend. When Mercury conjuncts Uranus on Monday, a meeting may bring you into contact with someone quite unique; this person might have access to ideas and experiences that could be beneficial to you. This week is a good time to join a new club or group that could help you to further your interests. A New Moon in Pisces brings an excellent opportunity to move in new circles, meet new friends, and start networking in earnest. It’s also a good time to take a look at your long-term goals and dreams and focus on those about which you feel the most enthusiasm. Saturday may be especially fraught as Mercury squares Pluto. If you have been storing up resentment about a certain issue, this is when it might come to the surface.
Your Love Week—Earth Signs:
The New Moon on Monday will occur in sensitive Pisces and as if that isn’t enough to make all your current relationships feel brand new whether you’ve been together for days, weeks, or years, there’s conversational, charming Mercury, who will meet up with unpredictable Uranus. The proud and loyal Sun will also run into Uranus right around midnight on Tuesday. These three, along with the New Moon, will undoubtedly bring you surprises in the form of love, luck, and laughter, and that goes for all your encounters, especially the sweet, unexpectedly romantic ones. Someone you’ve been spending a great deal of time with lately (who, oddly enough, is likely the same someone you’ve considered a friend – and nothing else – for as long as you can remember) is about to assume a much different position in your life, Earth Signs. That is, of course, if you’re agreeable to it. Based on what’s happening upstairs at the moment, you most certainly will be. This particular person will make their point crystal clear to you either on Monday, when the New Moon in Pisces will get together with chatty Mercury and startling Uranus in the same sign, encouraging your dear one to say everything that’s on their minds as immediately and directly as possible. Then on Wednesday, chatty Mercury will move into red-hot Aries, followed by the Sun on Saturday. Once these two take up residence together, it will be tough for you to avoid intimacy, which, remember, comes in many forms, from sharing secrets to keeping secrets to actual physical closeness. Now, all that Pisces energy is quite sentimental and nostalgic, and you aren’t usually prone to such exhibitions of emotion, but not to worry. Once Mercury and the Sun come together later this week, you’ll be able to keep your feelings under wraps—but should you? Oh, and on Sunday, all that closeness will lead you into what might turn out to be a long-term relationship. Guard it carefully. If it starts under Saturn’s careful attention, it’s meant to last.