Stargazing — Week of Sept. 30th through Oct. 1st, 2024

Sep 30, 2024 | Stargazing

The New Moon with a Solar Eclipse occurs on October 2nd. This is a powerful time when we can create valuable things; however we may also have to expect disruptions. This time addresses a charged energy with the potential for chaos during the Aries Full Moon on the 17th of the month as well as the increasing urgency and nervousness in the last few days of October.

This season’s eclipses mark a transition between acting and adapting. The October 2nd solar eclipse is the last eclipse in balancing Libra until 2033. It will appear as a ring of fire under its path from Polynesia including Hawaii and on to southern South America. The vertical line shows a most powerful zone going through Colorado, New Mexico, Puerto Vallarta, Mexico, and dead on over Easter Island. Watch for news from these areas.


The New Moon with a Solar Eclipse on Wednesday, with the Sun in Libra are in close conjunction with Mercury and Lilith at the Moon’s South Node. Also these points are in a wide square with Mars in the water sign of Cancer. Mars forms a trine with Saturn in Pisces. At the same time, Venus in Scorpio is in trine with Saturn (exactly on Friday, October 4th), completing a wide grand trine with Mars and Saturn.

Communicating in relationships is a key now because the eclipse is lined up with talkative Mercury. Share ideas on how you can have better balance in all types of relationships. This may be easier said than done because the eclipse makes a challenging square to Mars in often over-sensitive Cancer. This is amplified now because the air and water elements are heightened. Blend intellect and emotions rather than mentally talking about feelings instead of actually feeling them.

October’s quality of time speaks of new beginnings along with unexpected disruptions. With a bit of tact and willingness to compromise, valuable things can be created during this time, whether through creative work or relationships. For the endeavor to succeed, we need courage, initiative, and trust. If you face disagreements, consider how much energy you want to spend on resolving the conflict. During this time, it might be more beneficial not to be held back by negativity but to work for the good energetically. Honest efforts to resolve conflicts will now receive a boost.

Monday is for the ambitious and those looking to broaden their professional path. If you put your mind and energy on your career, you can move towards long-lasting success.

While there may be a lot of confusion on Tuesday, as we enter October, just remember tat you don’t have to solve them alone. Seek the advise and wisdom of mentors and higher-ups to help you make the right decisions.

The electrifying Solar Eclipse in Libra on Wednesday provides answers to many of your life questions if you just meditate on them.

Focus on your career early on the week, because starting on Thursday, October 3rd, the vibe will shift over to love.

On Sunday, October 6th, the square between Mercury and Mars will be exact; Venus in Scorpio trines Saturn in Pisces. Scorpio is one of the most reliable and loyal signs, while Saturn is all about building sturdy foundations for the future. Throw in the vibes from Venus, the planet of love and security, and you have a strong formula for your love life taking things to the next level. The afternoon is perfect for team building activities and playing some sports. You may want to browse a dating app. You could find a promising, long-term partner.

The weekend is all about romance and adventure. Take care of your chores on Saturday morning, because after that your attention turns to romance, love, and adventure. If you’re up for passion, plan your date for the evening hours.

Forget about any kind of work on Sunday, Instead plan a late brunch, an afternoon visit to a museum and then catch the latest movie at the theater.