The big Cosmic Contacts we have coming up this week are the Sun merging with Mercury in Virgo, a Mars-Uranus trine in Sagittarius-Aries, and a Full Moon Lunar eclipse in Pisces.
This week promises to be intense because Mars is making a strong, difficult square to both the eclipsed Sun and Moon.
The Moon is in Capricorn to begin the week, bringing responsibilities and hard work. Monday brings the Virgo Sun’s third conjunction with Mercury. Every conjunction with the Sun and Mercury asks us to look back at past issues, but this time Mercury is retrograde in Virgo, which means it’s time to clean house and make changes concerning job issues, and to take a moment to review your health plan. At the same time, the early week is filled with happy lunar aspects. You combine enjoyment with productivity.

By Tuesday and Wednesday, you are ready for something unique. Allow extra time in your schedule mid-week and try something different from your normal path. If you have authority figure issues or have angry people in your life, sneak out of the line of fire on Tuesday afternoon. Tuesday is not the day to force issues as there is a slightly irritable feeling going on.
It’s eclipse season, and Wednesday evening begins the build up to the Pisces full moon eclipse. If your birthday falls either two days before, or after September 16th, this energy will bring some significant changes for you over this next year. This also goes for Pisces people whose Sun sign falls either 5 degrees before or after the 25 degree eclipse.
Friday’s Full Moon is a Lunar Eclipse at 25 degrees Pisces. Lunar Eclipses tend to be emotional, bringing our hidden feelings to the surface. Pisces can take you outside the boundaries of this world to bring forth a new vision, and Virgo helps you bring them down to earth.
The planet Mars is tied to this eclipse in a motivating way- that’s a nice way of saying aggressively pushing you to action. Mars smack in the middle of this eclipse not only gets in the way of the usual Pisces vibe of peace and love, but also signals overly forceful and destructive behaviors that can indicate and increase hostilities both at home and abroad. The plus side is that all this energy occurs in mutable signs that are used to and have the ability to adapt and adjust.
The next ten days brings the final push to help you align your philosophical goals and ideas with the actions you take in your daily life. Although this full moon is challenging, you can take positive steps to open to a higher vision that will work and bring balance to your mundane world, and get you moving on manifesting that higher vision.
The Moon moves into Aries for a physically active day on Saturday, the 17th. It is a good day to meet new people and explore your eccentric side. The Mars-Uranus fire sign trine helps you with an energetic power drive that is focused on exploring new possibilities. The creativity and originality of this trine makes this a time when you could be pleasantly surprised if you go for it and take that risk!
Remember that mental Mercury is retrograde until the 21st, the Fall Equinox, so allow flexibility so your new plans can adapt to any kind of changing circumstances.