STARGAZING — Week of Sept. 11th through Sept. 17th, 2017

Sep 12, 2017 | Monthly Astrology|Stargazing

Monday brings us a day of reverence and remembrance, as we bow our heads and reflect on the events of Sept. 11, 2001.

Tuesday is a good business day when money planet Venus makes harmony with long-term Saturn. Venus is in Leo, which brings a good time to make a dramatic commitment. Communicate your creative ideas and cooperate with others for ideas that will produce over the long term. Leo loves drama, and is the drama queen of the Zodiac.

Wednesday, Sept. 13th is the day when the Sun makes its T-Square to Saturn. This can bring frustrations and delays. You can try to work around these blocks, but perhaps it’s best to wait it all out for a few days. Do those “must do” projects in the morning. By early evening, the sun is making its “I’m tired” square to Saturn. It is not the right energy to force your way; best to take a break.

Friday is the day to take a playful lunch. Venus wants to share with others and the goddess makes harmony to generous Jupiter. That is the combination where both people want to pick up the check!

Horoscope for LeoThe Moon is in Leo on Saturday and that combines well with Mercury and Mars. This gives energy to health, service, and pets. Plan on short projects or activities where your heart and creative side is engaged will work well on Saturday. If your heart is not into it, or you’re working on a project that drags on, you had better wait for another day or so.

Sunday is perfect for meeting new friends. You’re feeling a bit of a energy spark, so you could rekindle old relationships. Sunday is playful all day, but keep things light and easy. Share with friends but avoid difficult or disappointing topics or future commitments that cannot be changed. The work for this time is freedom: Freedom from the past, from old, warn out habits or relationships, and freedom from your own pattern of self destruction.

The Venus/Uranus glory may come at the next trine and final one for 2017, on the night of the Winter Equinox, December 20th. Until then, work on the issues but keep on trucking!