STARGAZING—Week of March 4th through March 10th, 2024

Mar 2, 2024 | Uncategorized

STARGAZING—Week of March 4th through March 10th, 2024

In March, the focus is on Venus, Mars, Mercury, and Neptune. They indicate an active and open atmosphere. A lunar eclipse in Libra at the end of the month calls for a sincere commitment to a stable foundation.

The powerful desire for personal freedom now urges many people to take action and work to improve the situation. If there are any work projects you need to get done, tackle them this week and the universe will infuse you with all the ideas and energy you need to bring them to completion.

The Moon’s Node is conjunct Chiron until the middle of the month. Dealing with aggression and war could be at the top of the agenda during this time.

Mercury is in sextile to Uranus on Monday, March 4th, and Mars sextiles Chiron on Wednesday, the 7th. Business matters could now take unexpected turns that may well lead to success. However, you should assess the situation carefully and realistically before taking risks.

While it may seem hard to get into the swing of things in the morning, Monday afternoon brings a burst of reinvigorating intellectual energy, pitting the March wind in your sails. This bouncy energy vibration continues through Wednesday.

Whether you are doing visionary, creative work or at the beginning of a project, you will have plenty of energy, enthusiasm and determination to get it all done without suffering from exhaustion.

You may need to slow down a bit and relax on Thursday to recharge your batteries. Then you can do the final push to complete a project along with a highly productive week.

Due to Mercury’s conjunction with Neptune on Friday, March 8th, there is a risk of misperceiving reality or deceiving someone.

Mars in Aquarius squares Uranus on Saturday, March 9th, indicating a tendency to act out and cause accidents. Everyone is up to a fight, so put off dates and socializing until Sunday. Pay particular attention to your behavior during this time and be careful in sports and road traffic.

On March 10th, the New Moon in Pisces sextiles Uranus. Mercury has just reached Aries and makes a sextile to Pluto in Aquarius. March 10th’s New Moon in Pisces is interesting in that it is bracketed by structured Saturn on one side and dreamy Neptune on the other. The high and the low of this combination could be fantasy thinking with illusions getting burst; or, the ability to bring your higher vision into manifest reality.

Mars in Aquarius squares Uranus in Taurus is a fight for progress. There is often a rush to tear everything down, whether personally or within the social structure. However, it’s best not to completely destroy your rich, ancestral heritage, because building from scratch can seem next to impossible.

It’s a highly romantic and creative time at this New Moon, and you could meet your soul mate or, if already coupled, restore your bonds.

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