As we walk through “Holy Week” go about getting in touch with your workable dreams on Monday, when Mercury meets Neptune in Pisces. The challenge is between the balancing self and others. The energy is the Moon making a trine to Saturn, urging patience and long-term thinking.
The Moon also makes a trine to aggressive Mars, which urges you to get moving on new ideas. Because the Sun is aligned with wounded-healer Chiron, there is opportunity to heal self and others. But if you were a half-horse, half-human centaur, you would need to build on this energy in stages (rather than the usual, “I want it all now”). The focus of the week is on envisioning how to make improvements that benefit the greater good. Use this worldly blessed time to be idealistic as well as humanitarian.
Monday evening has Mercury making harmony with Neptune. This is great for tuning in to your natural psychic abilities, watching and journaling your dreams, seeing an emotional and caring movie, or sharing your vision with a loved one. March ends with a Scorpio Moon, great for being quiet and researching deep topics.
In April, down-to-earth Saturn in inventive Aquarius makes a harmonious trine relationship to the spiritual destiny north node in Gemini. April asks you to be open to new ideas that can be made manifest in your mundane world.
On Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday, Venus, the Sun, and the Moon consecutively send a sextile of energy to constructive Saturn, These are good days for working together with people in your community to make small improvements that can make a big difference.
Organize a neighborhood trash clean-up or beautify some public spaces with some spring gardening. Sometimes the most effective changes for many can be made by small efforts of the few.
Friday is an excellent day for brainstorming some transformative projects, thanks to Mercury’s sextile to Pluto.
In the first days of April patience and tact are needed. Mercury is still in Neptune’s sphere of influence, perception is clouded, and thinking is not very clear. The Sun and Venus in Aries, however, encourage you to move forward courageously. With Mercury entering Aries on April 4th, (Easter Sunday) the uncertainty of the last few days will quickly disappear. Now, what has only been sensed in recent weeks may finally be spoken. However, next week Mercury forms a conjunction with Chiron on April 9th, and at the same time Mars squares Neptune and the Moon. Aim for clear communication during this time and don’t blame yourself if you have to struggle for words now and then. Unclear messages could cause considerable confusion.
For those who observe the Easter Sunday Holiday, be careful. Petty skirmishes could arise over who does what duty, because everyone wants to be the center of attention.

Please remember that this sacred holiday has an undercurrent signifying rebirth and renewal, and is not about who gets the most likes on Facebook or Instagram. Let love abide – and Peace begins.