This is a dreamy, etheric week full of inspiration and magical ideas; reality and creativity meld into one. The World will be transformed into a heavenly landscape where anything is possible.
Monday and Tuesday are excellent days for brainstorming and bringing forth new creativity that’s out of the box. This is sure to gain you attention and points at the workplace.
On March 27th, Venus moves back to Pisces and meets Neptune. Some people may feel somewhat thin-skinned or encounter strong romantic feelings. The deep longing allows mystical experiences.Thoughts turn to love, making the rest of the week perfect for romance. Singles could meet their Soul Mate on Friday. The bright stars will help you overcome any shyness. You won’t have a problem striking up conversations or asking someone for a date.
The real action this week is on Saturday and Sunday. Saturday’s Aries New Moon and Solar Eclipse will shake things up, especially with matters of the heart. Mercury joins Venus as it slips back into Pisces and the pair meet up with Neptune, making this an excellent and eerie date night. Storybook romance keeps everything at a higher vibration.
On Sunday, Neptune enters Aries, changing signs for the first time since 2012, when it moved from Aquarius into Pisces. This major cosmic shift brings us into a new 375-year era, as well as our solar system.
Visionary Neptune wants to go away on a South Pacific sailboat and Saturn wants to be responsible and pay the mortgage. Fantasy meets reality so allow yourself to go beyond the Neptunian veils of this transitory world to bring your higher vision and higher self into a grounded form of service. Keep in mind that it often takes time for a new vision to come to you.

Neptune slips back into Pisces temporally in October. Between then and now there’s a window, a glimpse, offering you a sneak peak into what this new era holds after the big blue planet moves into Aries for good in January 2026.
Patience here! Remember, the Buddha sat under that bodhi tree for a long time before the flash of enlightenment came to him in an instant. What is the vision you want to manifest before 2026?