This week has a lot of energy movement. There are 3 planetary shifts, including Pluto’s game-changing entry into Aquarius on Thursday, March 23rd. The last time Pluto changed signs was in 2008, ushering in bank and savings and loan failures, economic insecurity, and intense politics, including some not so nice embedded laws.
The Sun enters Aries the New Moon and Spring Equinox on Monday, March 20th. The New Moon is at 1 degree Aries, signaling new beginnings. This is also the first day of Spring along with the astrological New Year. It’s a day wonderful day to celebrate, as the galaxy has opened up beyond our Milky Way to usher in some new galactic information from beyond our current outer limits!
The planets are all bundled within 1/3 of the zodiac between Capricorn and Gemini. The interesting thing about this is that Pluto and Mars are preparing to change signs. That means many aspects of your life are now changing in a big way.
Mars has been in idea sign Gemini since September, 2022, an unusually long time due to its retrograde cycle (Oct. 30th – Jan. 12th). The time is coming to implement some of those ideas that have been rolling around inside your head, and dropping or letting go of those ideas that just will not work to your advantage now
Pluto has been in Capricorn since 2008, so old school traditional approaches to life begin to take on new life – by you setting new conditions – in the futuristic sign of Aquarius .An example of how this is working: Several politicians have been using the phrase “generational change” in talking about the next USA President.
This is a major event, but you may not feel it because Pluto is so far away. Pluto helps you stand in your power, but it must first help you release that which stands in the way of being in your power (fears, ego, outdated beliefs, judgment against others, and your behavior.)
The USA Revolutionary War (1865) was going on the last time Pluto was in the sign of higher ideals. Pluto is just giving us a preview of what is ahead as the god of death and destruction returns to Capricorn in June through late November. Then Pluto will spend 20 years in the sign of Aquarius come 2024
Also on tap for the coming three months is a mixture of Pisces and Aries energy – the endings and new beginnings signs of the zodiac. Pisces asks you to go beyond the veils of the world and Aries urges you to get moving as you pioneer new projects. These are powerful, enthusiastic
Mars is the third planet to change signs, sliding into Cancer on Saturday. This has been a long time coming due to Mars’s retrograde cycle in Gemini since early September 2022. You have been exploring many options regarding your ambitions. Mars, the warrior planet will be in Cancer until May 20th, but its feminine energy takes a bit of the edge off the warrior energy. The Cancer energy brings us domestic issues such as family matters, fertility, landscaping, and sprucing up the home. Take care of your emotions, home, family. and nutrition needs while Mars is in nurturing Cancer.
All these planetary shifts create an almost an etheric, dreamlike atmosphere and an ultra romantic vibration. You could quickly be swept off your feet by someone new.
Allow yourself to drift along with the week’s ever changing energies. This is the perfect time to open up new chapters in your life, especially with regard to domestic life.
The strongest event this week is not the Spring Equinox or the New Moon in Aries, but Pluto’s entrance into Aquarius. This is the most important of all transits now, as well as the most important planetary shift of the year, if not the entire decade.
All of this goes to say that the coming three months has everyone deciding what they are ready to release and making initial efforts to pioneer a new path.
When we reach New Years Eve for 2023/24 nothing will be the same for you, for others, or for the planet.