STARGAZING—Week of June 3rd – June 9th, 2013

Jun 3, 2013 | Special Messages

The Monthly 2013 Predictions are posted at the first of the month. You must join our monthly subscription pages to read them. The magazine, “Psychic Visions Plus,” posts monthly predictions, your monthly Angel Guides, monthly Tarot for each Astrology sign as well as a monthly astrology forecast.

Week of June 3rd – June 9th, 2013


So just what does the cosmos have in store for you this next week? Mercury and Venus transit into sensitive Cancer on May 31st and June 2nd, respectively. June is a quick month with Mars moving through speedy Gemini and at the same time, romance oriented Venus spends most of June in nurturing Cancer. Short, home repair or decorating projects are favored, as well as spending time with your children. The tone changes towards the end of June, when Mercury turns retrograde and Jupiter begins its one-year journey through emotional Cancer. There is plenty of talk and quick conversations on Monday as communications planet Mercury makes harmony with psychic Neptune and productive Saturn. This is a week that flows along quickly. Get in a groove and just keep going.

Loving Venus is now traveling through watery Cancer where she adds more sensitivity to relationships. It’s wise to avoid or temper any critical comments when feelings are sitting on your shoulder and this tender. Think carefully before making sarcastic or judgmental remarks. Mischievous Mercury could be especially sassy this weekend, which can trigger stronger reactions than expected.

There is a challenge in the form of a T-Square pattern , making you feel unbalanced and uncertain. The ongoing theme of balancing your responsibilities with needs for greater freedom takes on a more emotional tone now. Communications planet Mercury is aligned with relationship planet Venus in Cancer. The challenge is to think in new ways, and at the same time, to release outdated beliefs and behaviors. Sometimes joy and sadness travels in pairs, and that is likely to be the case now. Gemini energy advises that you just keep moving and sort it all out later.

Friday the 7th is a bit complicated. Neptune begins its annual retrograde cycle lasting all the way until mid November. Since this is a subtle energy, you may feel an “I’m tired” energy, or your dreams could be quite active now. The main thing is to stop and look at how the higher spiritual aspects of your life are working with the mundane tasks you need to do. Then, you can make adjustments over the next several months.

A Gemini New Moon on Saturday lightens the mood and serves up a fresh start with communications and loving words. The New Moon is on Saturday, June 8th at 19 degrees Gemini. Air and water are the two strongest elements now. They act separately, like rain in the air, or air being pumped into a fish tank to give life to the fish. Air and water need each other, but this combination is not always a comfortable fit when you intertwine intellect and emotions. In a nutshell, the message of this New Moon is to bring your head and heart into alignment, as well as to practice adaptability and flexibility. The New Moon is aligned with the star Rigel in the foot of the Orion constellation. Stars placed in this position are interpreted as information coming down from the Celestial Angelic Realm into the worldly realm. Specifically, this moon ray helps you see a larger worldview.

Sunday is an active day as the Moon moves into Aries. Exercise, do yoga, or do physical work in the yard. Venus also moves into Cancer until June 27th, so home beautification and family activities are favored. Before you begin to navigate all this planetary action, be sure to point yourself in the right direction Why not delve more clearly into your heart’s desires with a 2013 Reading? Straight to the point, Elizabeth gives you everything you need to take advantage of the sheer power of the energies of 2013.