Stargazing — Week of June 25th through July 1st, 2018

Jun 24, 2018 | Monthly Astrology|Stargazing

The skies are giving us a Lucky streak for the next three months brings us a Grand Water Trine, which means there is a triple harmony helping your work with and heal your emotional wellbeing. Mercury in Cancer asks you to think of quick ways to nurture yourself. Neptune in Pisces suggests you that you find some quiet, meditative, watery place to reflect on what’s most important in life. There’s a tricky sign change that will make this a very busy week.

Jupiter in Scorpio is still moving retrograde until July 10th, so it is good to heal any emotional wounds or research future projects that can take you to a higher level. A more challenging aspect is Mars slowing down to turn retrograde in Aquarius on June 26th until the end of the summer, and this will be on the opposite side of the sky as Venus in Leo. One side of you wants to open to passion, fun, and creativity, and the other side wants to detach from the world to review your ambitions from a comfortable distance. All types of relationships are shifting under this energy as well. It’s time to resolve some anger issues, check on your ability to be assertive, and strengthen your leadership skills and abilities.

Both Venus and Mars are challenging Jupiter, and that means it is time to determine if your belief system is getting in the way of you going to a higher level. Watch your hips, ankles and wallet. A Venus square Jupiter may tempt you indulge in some expensive appetites.

Between Summer Solstice energies and three eclipses in July and August, there is no shortage of activity and opportunities to open to something larger in your life by the time we get to the Fall Equinox.

The Capricorn Full Moon on Thursday is a time to get serious and complete any outstanding transactions. The Sun—Saturn opposition will be sure that you pay up your karmic debts. Bills are coming due, both real and past life. Mercury enters Leo on that same day, bringing drama, fiery, and bold energies. Because Mercury retrogrades in July, this energy will linger until the end of August. Also, Pluto is moving across the ecliptic this summer, something that has not happened since the 1930’s. Keep an eye on the Stock Market, food prices and food distribution.

Friday has pleasant planetary energies for social activities with small groups or individuals in an intimate setting with no loud places or being with people you don’t really like.

Saturday morning is a bit uncomfortable as Mercury squares Uranus, but it improves at the day moves along. Be careful of small accidents around the home, and watch your step.

On Sunday, The moon is void-of-course all day, making it a perfect day to keep a low profile and tend to quiet, humble tasks, such as house cleaning, gardening, or laundry.