STARGAZING—Week of June 13th, 2016

Jun 11, 2016 | Monthly Astrology|Stargazing

mercury RetrogrdePay attention to your moods on Monday. Communications planet Mercury enters one of his two favorite signs, Gemini, until June 29th. This brings mental clarity and an abundance of new ideas and communications. It is a flirtatious duo, with the Sun and Mercury in the same sign, so don’t let things get out of hand with that new romance or business opportunity.

At the same time, dreamy Neptune slows down to begin a five-month retrograde cycle on Monday. Even though Neptune turns retrograde it’s not something for you to be too concerned with. Neptune makes this wavy sea change every year, but it doesn’t significantly alter the planets already highly subjective nature. You could feel a bit dizzy or light headed the days around the retrograde turn as well as when it goes direct in mid-November. This energy can benefit artists, writers, and any of you who are in the healing professions.

Neptune-EarthMake certain you are seeing ideas and people for what they are rather than getting lost in fantasy thinking. A person in your life may have great potential, but do you have three more lifetimes to give before they attain it? Positively, this combination helps you go beyond the veils of this world to bring in a higher vision, and then make the plan to get it working in the mundane world by later this summer.

Your dance card could suddenly begin to fill up on Tuesday, June 14th, when the Sun and Moon form a trine in the sociable atmosphere of Gemini and Libra.

Where the early week supports sharing your ideas and social conversations, the middle of the week favors projects that require intense focus or research. The second Grand Mutable Cross of the month begins to form over this upcoming weekend, as we approach the Summer Solstice. Where the challenging pattern at the beginning of the month involved your values in relationships and finances, this one brings in mental Mercury to open your mind to new possibilities.

Friday June 17th, is a bit complicated. Venus moves into family centered and emotional Cancer until July 11th to improve nurturing and a sense of family/community. While this motherly combo is trending over the next month, it’s a good time to break out of its protective shell and find new ways to nurture yourself while you still continue to care for others.

At the same time, boundary-setting Saturn makes a challenging square to visionary Neptune. This difficult conflict signals a disturbing time, where reality meets illusion and produces their spawn, disappointment It is like warm and fuzzy energy must occupy the same space with cool and distant energy. Ouch! Sometimes contradictory energy needs to work together. Find a way for the higher vision you hold for yourself to work in the every day humdrum of your world. You can have your fantasy but still need to pay your bills. The last time we had this energy was in November of 2015, and the next time will be in September. Remember that both Saturn and Neptune are retrograde, and this double backward motion is an indication that any disappointments that come out of this square will be experienced internally rather than in your outer world.


It helps that the moon is in optimistic Sagittarius for the weekend beginning Friday evening. The sign of the archer bounces back from problems with a smile and a joke. Sagittarius likes to party or to run off into the great outdoors. Perhaps you can celebrate the arrival of summer with a group of friends.