STARGAZING – Week of July 8th through July 14th, 2024

Jul 14, 2024 | Stargazing

STARGAZING – Week of July 8th through July 14th, 2024


July is energetically charged with explosive Uranus and “I want it now” Mars. It would be beneficial to accomplish tangible tasks while aggressive Mars is in hard-working Taurus from June 9th through July 20th. Taurus is willing to put sustained effort into projects, but it is also the sign that likes to reward itself for a job well done.

Looking at the planets is just amazing as they indicate exactly what is occurring in the world. So much is happening, and as I predict what the planets indicate, everyone can see where we are headed.

This workweek kicks off with an explosion of inspiring problem solving energy and, believe me, we will need every bit of this positive energy that we can get. Monday is a good day for brainstorming as a team, because two heads are better than one. After this frenzy of shock and activity, a sense of exhaustion could set in, lasting through midweek.

On Wednesday, you may want to burn the midnight oil, as some positive energy returns.

The focus shifts to a softer light on Thursday when Venus in Cancer trines Neptune in Pisces. You could skip work and place your energy and focus on romance, family sharing, adventure and expanding your horizons. It’s a day when your dreams could truly become a reality and your pumpkin turns into a chariot on that road to true love. This is a wonderful date night, overflowing with abundance, poetry, and passion.

Friday works out best if you follow protocol. Sometimes bosses and authority figures do know best due to life experience. If you try to go against the powers that be, you could get shut down.

Saturday you could plan the perfect schedule but find that you are completely worn out to accomplish much of anything. Just go with how you feel.

Sunday some petty arguments could flare up due to everyone’s recent stress levels. This could cause hurt feelings so best to put off any dating plans. Avoid controlling friends or family members.

Many people tell me that we are living in dark times, but my response is that we have been living in dark times for a very long time, only now we can see it. I always go back to the Kennedy assassination, for example. It is known now that the US government – the CIA and LBJ – assassinated Kennedy. They got away with it and no one knew until recently. This is the democracy of the US!

Today, the US has never been more divided – and the worst is still yet to come according to the stars. Interestingly enough, the two men running for President could not be more polarizing!

The anger that is building on both political sides is insurmountable!  Making matters worse, the economy is also in big trouble. The debt is astronomical with inflation off the charts.

With all that is occurring, I have to say I feel very sad but I know there is a Divine reason why it must happen – to reveal the truth. Everything is being exposed as to just how corrupt this world is. The two Presidents going after each other is a perfect example; their reckless abandon to expose each other is what will cause the truth will be revealed.

Everything happens for a reason. Whether or not you agree with the events occurring now, the Universe will bring out the truth as well as a worldwide healing.

This coming year – from now until June of 2025 – the world is going to go through the biggest transformation ever. This is really just the beginning. The more the Democrats go after Trump, the more their efforts will backfire. Americans are always partial to the underdog and are very forgiving.

This is not just an opinion; the planets support what I am saying. Donald Trump’s astrological birth chart is incredibly powerful during the November elections.

Incredibly, July 12th is when Mars joins Uranus in Taurus. I have been giving warnings about this transit because Mars will conjunct Uranus and begin to transit through the most volatile area of the heavens, the Pleiades.

Be aware this next week will be the most extreme, and that will cause an outrageous blowup. In Trump’s birth chart, transiting Mars will conjunct his MC, the highest point in a chart and which represents the career. Because Mars rules anger, this unleashes huge anger and unexpected events. As Mars conjuncts Taurus, it means the worst-case scenario will occur for Trump. It feels like a war is unleashed on Trump.

Furthermore, Mars transits over the worst fixed star in the heavens – Algol. Many people will lose their minds and power, They will react out of inconsolable anger. Uranus is the planet of unexpected, sudden events. This occurs July 12th through 17th. Uranus and Mars cojoin July 15th, right on Algol. A triple conjunction. While the Moon is in Scorpio, hitting Joe Biden’s Sun in the 12th House, and opposes this conjunction July 16th -17th. That’s the time to expect the worst angry outbursts. Again, the most powerful time of blowups are between July 12th-17th.

Meanwhile, another huge event is possible around this time. The building anger affects the world in so many ways – causing our planet to shake, meaning this is the time of major earthquakes.

This is the time I feel a big one could hit California, centering around San Francisco. Remember, I saw a city that begins with San being the focus of a major problem.

In the 1906 San Francisco earthquake, Saturn was in Aquarius and Jupiter and Mars were in Taurus as they are now. Plus, Uranus is the planet of earthquakes and is joined with Mars.

The sign Pisces is hemmed in by Saturn and Neptune, creating another stifling situation. Where the sign of Pisces is in your chart, you will feel stuck. The North Node and Neptune are in Pisces/Aries but close together, which indicates a time of hidden karma that will unleash events we never dreamed of. This can truly be a spiritual awakening. With all the chaos in the world, many are waking up to a newly founded spirituality.

This is really the only way to be calm and grounded during this crazy time globally. Looking within and realizing the cycle the world is in leads to the difficult process of healing. The truth and deep-seated issues must be revealed in order to process and begin to heal it.