STARGAZING — Week of July 3rd through July 9th, 2023

Jul 3, 2023 | Stargazing

July is about the creative and passionate Full Super-Moon energy and dealing with power. Other energies include the square of the Moon’s Node to Pluto and the New Moon in Cancer midmonth, which is about high ideals. On a personal level, the focus is on gaining higher energy.

In July, mid-month, the Moon’s North Node enters Aries. The transition is under the influence of the square to retrograde Pluto in Capricorn. The changing energy, therefore, contain a sense of urgency, and some of the issues now coming into our collective consciousness awareness will be with us for a long time to come.

The use of power is one of the underlying themes of July. Your personal decisions should be well thought out and made with an open mind, for they are the foundation of later developments as well as for 2024.

On the 1st of July, the Sun in Cancer was conjunct Mercury. On the 2nd, Leo-Venus squared Uranus, and there was a Full Moon in Capricorn on the 3rd. These intense and sensitive days encouraged many of us to open up to new things.

Mars is also close to Venus, so the square to Uranus became highly charged. It is a powerful, creative energy that will be very welcome to passionate people. The sober Capricorn Full Moon energy on Monday can help harness the rather wild forces of this time, responsibly.

Outside of a no compromising and strong mindedness Thursday, the rest of the week offers a wide variety of opportunities for connection to others and inspiration.

The Full Moon on Monday July 3rd at 12 degrees Capricorn, calls for the balance of Capricorn practicality and Cancer nurturing. Monday’s energies will be focused on switching your thoughts about work and career over to family and holiday sharing.



Tuesday, July 4th is the USA Independence Day holiday. The moon moves into friendly and social Aquarius. It is a good time to share with friends and/or meet new people. The day is filled with spontaneity and emotional closeness so make sure you spread  the love with family and close friends.

You get back to the grind on Wednesday so don’t be surprised if you have a pile of tasks waiting for you at work.

Thursday is the last time the red planet is triggered by fixed planet aspects. Tread carefully. Get through this obstinate energy by staying calm, focused along with taking some deep breaths.  The heavy energy will soon start to dissipate.

Thursday/Friday July 6th and 7th has talkative Mercury making minor harmony to inventive Uranus. The Moon is also in psychic Pisces. This is a great day to share your higher vision with others or take a quick trip to feel free of your daily world. At the very least, try something new and different.

Friday can be a highly productive time and is perfect for getting serious about your career direction. If you are looking for a new job, schedule an interview or send out your resume.  For others, it’s a good day for reaching out to clients, making sales pitches along with networking.

The weekend is up for anything from dating, socializing to creativity. Be open and go where your heart leads.

On Sunday, July 9th, open up to your intuition and fantasy thinking while the messenger makes harmony with dreamy Neptune. This could be your chance!


LISTEN to Elizabeth Joyce on – “Let’s Find Out” – Sundays at 7:00 PM Pacific and 10:00 PM Eastern