STARGAZING — Week of July 27th through August 2nd, 2015

Jul 26, 2015 | Monthly Astrology|Stargazing


Full MoonDramatics is the flavor of this last week of July. We have a Blue Full Moon, a fiery change for Venus, and some good news concerning the discipline planet, Saturn. This week if you cannot make changes to support the realignment of the July31st Full Moon in Aquarius, then begin the path of releasing people and activities that are going in a different direction. It doesn’t do anyone any good to hold onto something or someone when the energy is clearly moving in a different direction.

There is a lot of electric energy creating change on many deep levels through August 14th. If you’ve been feeling excessively tired lately, it may be stress that is building up within. This week’s planetary aspects bring an added energy to communication, and it would be wise to consider talking some of these stresses out. Worry, anxiety, and fear are huge drains on physical and emotional health. For some, exercise can alleviate some of this, and for others, talking is the key. Find the most effective ways to rid yourself of such “energy suckers,” and help yourself to feel better.

Monday you may want to head into the great outdoors or to expand on a philosophical level. At the same time, explosive Uranus is turning retrograde until Christmas. Because outer planets spend so much time retrograde each year, it is common to pay the most attention to when they change directions. Uranus wants freedom, innovation, and change. Consider the personal revolution you would like to create, and gift yourself by Christmas. The middle of this week is under the influence of a hard-working Capricorn moon, so accomplish something tangible and useful.

There is a second Full Moon on Friday, July 31st, at eight degrees Aquarius and Leo, this full moon gives you a choice. You can either open your heart to meet new groups, friends and organizations; or, you can detach from the world and go play on your own. Perhaps a bit of both is the best way. There is an emphasis of the fixed signs now (Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius are emphasized, with Taurus missing). Fixed signs help you persevere and get through anything- they are the survivors. However, they also bring lessons in not being stubborn along with lessons in knowing when to let go.

Venus  The second Full Moon of July brings the month to a close. This Full Moon marks a two-week period of celebrating achievements and bringing affairs to a natural conclusion; all in dramatic fashion, of course. This will have the greatest effect on leaders, actors, our schools, and children. On the same day, the last day of July, retrograde Venus wraps up its short stay in Virgo and moves back into Leo, where it remains throughout the rest of the retrograde period. This action heats up the drama especially with emotional matters that need to be healed.

Saturn and Scorpio  Late Saturday night, or early Sunday morning, depending on your time zone, marks the end of Saturn retrograde in Scorpio. This return to direct motion gives us a cosmic green light to start implementing the long-range goals that have been kicking around since the end of March. This is an extremely powerful combination, so it’s important to remember to be open to change as well as to respect the rights of others.

Remember, I am here to help you along the way. Call 201-934-8986 to book your appointment. All pricing on the website at Psychic Services. Please check that first before calling.