Stargazing News:
There is a terrific shift in the cosmos taking place that is likely to have a profound effect on everyone. Great changes are afoot that will be completed by the Fall Equinox on September 21, 2010.
The tensions you are feeling as August opens may be because the planets are aligning in a powerful T square aspect and rearranging the world. If, during these uncertain times, conditions beyond your control are affecting you, the best thing is to hang on to what you have and make some practical choices. This month Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Pluto are doing an awkward stellar dance. These planets will activate your chart associated with the Cardinal Signs; Aries, Libra, Cancer, and Capricorn. Five retrograde planets may test your patience as issues you thought were behind you rise up once again.
July 30th through Aug. 2nd tells us to mind our own business. Stay on track with the status quo, do good work, and stay off the streets at night, especially in the cities. The news will be full of sudden deaths, accidents, and violence this weekend!
You can expect to experience tension on August 6-7, when a Cardinal Grand Cross is at it’s strongest. This collection of cosmic energies offers you opportunities to pause and plan your next move. Don’t do anything rash! Sit down and think about what you hope to accomplish over the long term.
STARGAZING—Week of JULY 26 — AUGUST 1, 2010
The Air Signs
Gemini, Libra, Aquarius
Your week starts off with a tricky balancing act between your work obligations and those in your personal life. You may have too many demands to deal with all around, and your sense of what you should do is clashing with your heart’s desire. You may sense that it seems difficult to strike the balance you so cherish. A Full Moon tears you between wanting to please and follow the crowd, and break away to march to the beat of your own drummer. Mars conjunct Saturn can have you feeling stuck in your projects, and you may need to innovate a brand new system in order to keep them afloat. Mars also links up with retrograde Neptune, which can set you up for disappointment if you’re single. You may meet someone and think they’re the most dazzling creature you’ve ever set eyes on, but be careful of rushing into anything. Mercury changing signs on Tuesday can help you get to the bottom of these issues. Be careful because within your love relationship power struggles can come into play before you’ve seen them coming. Rather than being the last one to hold out, get a dialogue going and work on finding a better balance together.
Your Love Week—Air Signs:
Loose talk reaches the wrong ears on Monday, thanks to Neptune’s hard aspects with Mercury and Mars. Monday’s Saturn-Uranus opposition brings discord to relationships or unwanted advances from outsiders. Make your own romantic luck Tuesday as Mercury enters Virgo. Tuesday’s Moon-Venus quincunx makes you picky about who you date. Speak your emotional needs when the Moon conjoins Chiron before leaving Aquarius early Wednesday. Everyone behaves on Wednesday when the Moon enters Pisces, so you won’t have to be on the defensive. If Mars opens an old wound Thursday and compromises your reputation early Friday, an Aries Moon raises your hopes later in the day. In fact, Mars brings out your aggressive side as it enters your sign Thursday. Friday is about self-control when the Aries Moon opposes both Mars and Saturn. At least those two planets can help you win a stubborn heart when they oppose each other on Saturday. Take the weekend as it comes, flirting during Saturday’s Sun-Moon trine and showing off during Sunday’s Moon-Neptune sextile. What have you got to lose?
The Fire Signs
Aries, Leo, Sagittarius
The Sun in the Fire Sign of Leo is making you feel invincible this week. You’ve also got a spot of luck on your side, which is evident mainly in financial matters. A Full Moon at the beginning of the week can play tricks on you though, distorting your perception of reality where relationships are concerned, and this can especially affect your love relationship. If you’re single you’re dangerously charming and Mars in your social sector has you flirting away, and fully enjoying the impact you’re making on your admirers. If you’re on vacation this week you’re happy as a clam, especially if you’re in an exotic location that allows you to really explore. If you’re stuck home or at the office you will need to find a solution for your wander lust, something stimulating that sets your mind roaming towards new horizons. The Jupiter/ Uranus duo certainly help expand your dating horizons, and you will find you are more open than ever to people who aren’t your usual type. If you’re in a relationship you’re basking in gentle happiness and focused on making your love nest more warm and welcoming, more of a reflection of your union. Retrograde Pluto is still in charge in your work sector, encouraging you to move ahead slowly and tread carefully with your colleagues’ egos.
Your Love Week—Fire Signs:
Monday brings opportunity as the Sun trines Jupiter, although you may choose unwisely since Jupiter is retrograde. Be careful and take things slowly. Knowledge is power, but Monday’s Sun-Pluto quincunx brings moral qualms about taking advantage. On Tuesday Mercury kisses and tells, opposing Chiron before changing signs. Tuesday’s Moon-Ceres sextile corrects that fast if there’s an Aquarius in the room, but if any Fire Signs are cheating, Wednesday’s Mercury-Uranus quincunx could be trouble. After this fallout of secrets and gossip, show your face in public again, humbler yet more optimistic, when the Moon enters Pisces. Thursday you struggle between powerful attraction and respectful behavior as Mars enters Libra. When Ceres squares both Venus and the Moon on Thursday, the wrong lover is worse than no lover. On Friday, Jupiter is quincunx Mercury and conjunct the Aries Moon as you glimpse your ideal partner. When the Moon enters Aries on Friday and conjoins Uranus and Jupiter, you’re free to act, although it takes major charm this weekend to cut through your lover’s other entanglements. When sensitive Ceres trines the Moon on Sunday, you’ll know you’re home.
The Water Signs
Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces
This week you’re able to express yourself simply to your partner, clear up misunderstandings and in the absence of ambiguity, grow closer. At the beginning of this week you’re feeling the strain of trying to meet your work demands without letting them get in the way of your personal and family life. Rather than letting the stress get to you, take advantage of the dynamic energy of the Full Moon to find solutions. This will be especially important for the balance of your love relationship. Good news for singles: Mars is making your charm magnetic. Your dates are eating out of your hand and are likely to open up and confide in you as early as the first date. If you’re single, your path to love is through your friends, so don’t hesitate to go out and paint the town together. Mercury and Mars give a boost to your projects; your patience for those painstaking details is endless. You’re shining on the job as well and motivated by a desire to stand out as an original. If you’re looking for work, don’t hesitate to knock on different doors than usual. This can set in motion a positive string of coincidences.
Your Love Week—Water Signs:
Monday’s Sun-Pluto quincunx and Mars-Neptune quincunx stir up fantasies and urges. Water Signs benefit from a cold shower! Ruling planet Neptune makes trouble Monday with gossip and bad decisions. When it conjoins the Moon Tuesday, find a sympathetic ear. On Wednesday you can laugh about your desires when the Moon enters Pisces and sextiles Pluto. Wednesday through mid-Friday, making for easy socializing, introductions, and shining your light. Mercury writes your personal ads, Pluto boosts your sincerity, and Venus picks up the tab when it’s your treat. You’re not alone, and that’s promising. If Thursday’s Venus-Ceres square brings one night with a needy lover, don’t get too invested. When the Aries Moon opposes Mars and squares Pluto on Friday, you’re better off with someone who doesn’t expect much. Once Aries takes over Friday afternoon, avoid all the posturing, flirting, and romantic excess. Saturday’s Mars-Saturn conjunction leaves no room for doubts in a high-energy weekend. Keep your head down until Sunday, when a Moon-Neptune sextile shows how love is really an art.
The Earth Signs
Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn
A Full Moon at the beginning of the week has you lost in the details on the job, but a Mercury/Pluto trine towards the end of the week brings the clarity you need to become a super strategy builder. This week the tone changes, as Mars moves out of your sign and Mercury moves in. The Full Moon is tearing you between your career ambitions and those for your personal life. This is an opportunity to learn to set clearer boundaries, and Mars, later in the week, will support you as you work through this. You relax a little, becoming more a more subtle communicator, and your wit really shines through. Venus is in Virgo as well, and the goddess of love is making your personality bubbly, giving you the courage to step out of your shell and overcome shyness. The romantic mood is playful. Mercury enters your dating sector on Tuesday, sharpening your critical sense towards potential partners. Try to relax and have more fun with other people’s quirks. Your differences can make the getting to know each other game that much more fun. In addition, Mercury trine Pluto can bring some new information to light that changes your outlook.
Your Love Week—Earth Signs: Don’t believe everything you hear Monday when Neptune is opposite Mercury and quincunx Mars. Whether or not you’re in a relationship, Monday is a tense time around others. With Tuesday’s Moon-Venus quincunx and Mercury entering Virgo, choose words or partners carefully. Tuesday’s Moon-Venus quincunx advises discretion about your affairs, and Mercury enters Virgo to clarify your romantic goals. Wednesday the Moon reduces the pressure as it enters Pisces, opposite Mercury and sextile Pluto. The Pisces Moon favors meeting a new lover’s people, but don’t show the edge of discomfort Mars and Venus bring on Thursday. Meet social obligations, join deep conversations, and make yourself available, although a Venus-Ceres square makes you a magnet for the needy on Thursday. The Moon enters Aries and squares Pluto on Friday, setting you up for a maybe-too-exciting weekend. If Mercury inspires grand promises on Friday, straighten it out early on, before the Moon enters Aries. Powerful forces are at work this weekend, intensifying passion but resisting change. This could be fantastic if your relationship is secure. Just know when to say when.