Stargazing — Week of July 15th through July 21st, 2024

Jul 15, 2024 | Uncategorized

Stargazing — Week of July 15th through July 21st, 2024

This week you will need an abundance of courage and bravery. There are energies you must deal with like a required course in the school of life. This energy will allow us all to shake off stagnant and constricting situations along with our worn out routines. But how you choose to deal with them is your free will.

About every two years, aggressive and impatient Mars aligns with revolutionary Uranus. The low side of this combination is likely to be angry people, fires, aviation/space accidents, earthquakes, and people trying to force their values onto others. It’s time to explore new horizons and encounter all of the wonderful, awesome, abundance this world has to offer.

The alignment is exact on Monday, July 15th and gets added emotional intensity from the moon in Scorpio on Tuesday, the 16th. Seize the day! Open up to completely new experiences by letting go of any inhibitions that may hold you back.

Mercury is tied into this energy, so expect verbal outbursts from people who live in drama. It’s time to focus on your career ambitions and seeking the job that you truly desire. Random encounters could lead to new opportunities so have your business cards with you, ready to hand out.

Of course , this energy will be building up weeks before it is exact. In fact, expanding your belief system Jupiter aligned with Uranus back in April to start this action in motion. Among other things (money, property and stocks), Taurus represents your core values. The bull is willing to work hard to manifest its needs and desires. Taurus is termed a fixed sign, which is great for endurance but poor in adaptability.

The positive side of this conjunction is to take action to revolutionize your life so you put your energy into that which you value most. Understand that Uranus does not care about your need to live in your comfort zone. There is opportunity here for you if you are willing to take action to pragmatically revolutionize your life.

It’s better to work as a team or just take it easy on Tuesday and Wednesday; otherwise you could bite off far more than you can chew.

Thursday is another auspicious day for throwing off your chains and traditional habits for a more forward outlook. This is no time for the same ‘ole same ‘ole or duties. Break free, be daring, and take the road less traveled.

If you’re an artist, Saturday is an excellent day to work on your craft. It’s also a good time for a romantic weekend or to take a day trip. Have nothing planned? Get out there and be spontaneous.

Sunday’s Full Moon is all about ending conformity and instead embracing the new, offbeat, eccentric and adventurous. It’s time for some love, laughter, and joy to enter your life after several years of serious, social influences. This energy offers up passion in spades! If you’re looking for a Soul mate they could appear right in front of you during the early evening hours. If you’ve already found yours, lock the doors, dim all the lights, and enjoy the heat of the summer.

There are minor communications and possible control issues at the July 21-23 full moon at the last degree of Capricorn. This is also very close to intense Pluto where something is released