STARGAZING Week of January 8th Through January 14th, 2017

Jan 6, 2018 | Monthly Astrology|Stargazing

The week begins with the Moon in diplomatic Libra and the life-giving Sun aligned with romance planet Venus. This is a great combination for relationships and/or challenging conversations.

The Monkey making planet, Mercury changes signs and be aware that some “nice” planets align with intense Pluto by Tuesday, so you need to be the velvet-covered boxing gloves early in the week.

On Tuesday the Sun joins Venus, and then Pluto in Capricorn. This trio reminds us about our close relationships and that anything can be transformed through the power of Love. That goes for business as well as romance.

On Wednesday, mental Mercury moves into Capricorn for the rest of January. Structured thinking is supported, like an architect bringing an idea into form. Make a plan, then work the plan. Allow yourself to get focused and on a time schedule for the next two weeks. Enjoy how you’ll see everything getting finished and complete.

Thursday Mercury merges with Saturn as we enter the weekend. Although this energy could caused a depressed feeling, especially in the middle of winter, remind yourself that Capricorn can bring on a dry sense of humor, giving us a smile, and reminding us not to take everything so seriously.

There is a mixed tone for the coming weekend. A Sagittarius moon wants to party or head out into nature. Friday is more practical and down-to-earth focused. Saturday has mixed results such as those times in a relationship where you can’t decide if you want to be friends or lovers. Approach Saturday without expectations or a rigid agenda, and it will be a more fun day. There could be some unexpected challenges, short-term, with your social events. Don’t give into temptation.

Expect the unexpected on Sunday morning when eccentric Uranus challenges your self-identity Sun. Adjust to changes and don’t make a lot of promises before Sunday evening, and you will be fine. Stay in, cuddle, stay warm.