STARGAZING — Week of January 21st through January 28th, 2018

Jan 19, 2018 | Monthly Astrology|Stargazing

This is the week to begin your detective work. Watch the news to see some closely held secrets come into the light.

The energies have been building energy up all month, because there is a Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Leo on January 31st, at almost the exact opposite degree as the August 7th, 2017 lunar eclipse. To top it off, this eclipse is also a Blue Moon. Compare the issues and pathway of your life now compared to last summer to get clarity and perspective — especially where your heart is engaged or disconnected.

The workweek begins under an Aries moon. Get ambitious in pioneering new projects. Exercise to bring your body into balance.

During Wednesday afternoon, Mercury aligns with Pluto in businesslike Capricorn. Time for the underground and darkly held secrets in business and government to begin to be dug up. This can become obsessive and dangerous in the government arena.

You can also begin to communicate with power. Make a concrete plan of action. Do research or detective work that requires mental focus. However, it would also be good to give a wide berth to obsessive-compulsive or controlling people who think they know what is best for you.

Mars moves out of dark and merky Scorpio into adventurous Sagittarius until St. Patrick’s Day. This energy is outdoors, exciting, and the perfect atmosphere of the upcoming Superbowl.

The moon will be in Gemini for the weekend, creating a lively and social atmosphere. There’s lots of social media sharing and networking over sports and other activities. . Keep projects and communications short and sweet.

This fun combination supports putting action to your big ideas. On Saturday evening, don’t force your ideas on people as talkative Mercury is challenging rebellious Uranus, which can be a bit rude. Why don’t you try having a “real” eye to eye and heart to heart conversation instead of using a mobile device.


Both of you can curl op on the couch and bathe in each other’s warmth. Could be a new experience for some of you.