We have an exciting week ahead. Two trines, (beneficial), a new sign for Venus, and a Full Moon in Leo make this a busy week as well.
There is a minor challenge as Monday opens between Venus and Jupiter. The issue revolves around where you took on too much and then small details started falling through the cracks. Before saying yes to the next project, make time to clean up existing projects. In the body, this combination is associated with lower back, adrenals, and nervous system, so be gentle with yourself and take things slow.
Enjoy the sensual pleasures of life at the beginning of the week, however, you also want to accomplish several projects under the Taurus moon on Monday. You can trust you gut feelings to take you where you want to go on the 18th. This is the day when Mars and Neptune make their first trine in their home signs of Scorpio and Pisces. Monday the 18th (MLK Jr. holiday in USA) has helpful planetary aspects all day, so it is a great day to share your ideas with people.
The mental pace picks up on Tuesday and Wednesday under a talkative Gemini moon. There’s another window of opportunity with an earthly trine between the Sun and Moon That can help you turn your hopes and dreams into reality.
Tuesday is slightly more difficult as your emotions will feel as if they are being ignored by all the intellectual activity. Allow rest and quiet time somewhere in your busy day to support your emotional wellbeing. By the time the sun moves out of practical Capricorn into electrical Aquarius on Wednesday, your brain kicks into high gear. With this sign change the intellectually gifted as well as the emotionally challenged energy of Aquarius moves onto the front burner for the next month.
Before Mercury turns direct early next week, it’s on schedule to rise as the Morning Star on Wednesday the 20th. Be sure to take care of your nervous system on this highly charged Wednesday, because Mercury gets into a difficult square with Uranus and then moves into a week-long meeting with Pluto. With this Mercury-Uranus-Pluto trio playing, watch as powerful secrets come bursting out of that hidden closet. Many of the political candidates may begin to start ducking for cover! We will hear unexpected news, news of accidents, and possibly shocking abuse of power. Arguments and debates will dominate the news, about oil, gun control, the falling Stock Market, and social media, and with Uranus just about anything is possible.
Be careful traveling or driving, allow new ideas withstand the test of time, especially now while Mercury is still retrograde, and remember that obsessiveness and control is seldom productive in personal relationships.
There aren’t a lot of laughs on the horizon beginning on Friday and over the weekend, but that’s okay because when Venus is in Capricorn it’s not about comfort and fun, it’s about getting serious with love, money, and commitment. This sobering influence will continue into mid-February. Friday is the build up to the Full Moon and this week’s theme of making space for emotions in a mentally charged week is strengthened. The mental energy is impossible to ignore, but do create space for your emotional well being, even if it is only to sneak away for a quiet lunch or to take a nap.
Saturday brings a welcome break in the clouds with the arrival of the bright light of the Leo Full Moon. This playful delight brings a beam of light to offset some of the heaviness of the Capricorn influence by making it fun to wind down and sign off on projects, and bring matters to a happy conclusion. Enjoy the rest of the “mostly harmless” weekend.