Be quiet on Monday morning and tend to humble tasks and meditation until the Moon moves into nurturing Cancer at 10:52 AM (then cook and enjoy a healthy dinner).
On Tuesday morning, the Sun squares Uranus, and that means that your neat schedule can be disrupted. Or it may simply be that you need to step out of your routine in the morning because Mercury is slowing down to turn retrograde in Aquarius on Saturday January 30th, so tend to phone calls or any details that you need to put into place.
Mars squares Uranus before conjuncting Jupiter on Thursday morning.
The Full Moon on Thursday January 28th at 10 degrees Leo just wants to have fun. However, there are plenty of challenges under this Full Moon along with February’s New Moon. This Full Moon is fighting for its right to party by standing up to all the heavy drama going down in Aquarius and Taurus — by creating a T Square with Mars, Uranus, Saturn, the Sun, and Jupiter.
Meanwhile the conjunction of Venus and Pluto serve as a kind of planetary club, striving to regain a semblance of order through institutional leadership and diplomacy. This proves to be difficult with the stark change of government and the embers of hate still hanging around; too much, too fast, too soon. It would be good time to practice flexibility and adaptability.
Leo is about keeping your heart open or helping others to open their hearts. Aquarius needs to detach from the drama of the world, yet hold a higher ideal for the people in the world. At the same time, the Full Moon is challenged by a third direction with impatient Mars and “electrical blow stuff up” Uranus. Be open to new ways of thinking and avoid “my way or the highway” attitudes. Watch the part of you that wants to chuck it all and go off on your sailboat to an Atlantic Ocean island vs. the part of you that has bills to pay or other responsibilities.
Most of 2021 will ask you to figure out the balance between those extremes. Venus aligns with Pluto in Capricorn this week. This helps you transform your value system, establish boundaries in relationships, decide which relationships you are committed to (or not), and get serious about your finances in the long term.

Peace is restored on the weekend when Mars enters the sign of no-nonsense nursemaid Virgo, sending out some healing trines with Mars, Uranus, and Pluto.
Mercury goes retrograde in Aquarius on Saturday, Jan. 30th, until February 20th. Mercury’s retrograde motion on Saturday is taking time-out to reflect upon and review the tensions and sudden changes over the past three weeks. Take care of your computer, learn new software, reconnect with friends who fell by the wayside last year, and make a general plan to bring more freedom into your life over the coming year. The Moon will be in Virgo January 30th-31st, so put tangible effort into your “to-do” list as January comes to a close.
There is an abundance of Aquarius energy ahead for the month of February. The high road is to open to higher ideals, create win-win environments, and plan to explore new methods and ideas. The low side is to have the attitude of “my way or the highway” which will delay the inevitable changes that are coming to you this year.