Stargazing — Week of Jan. 22nd through Jan. 28th, 2024

Jan 22, 2024 | Stargazing, Stargazing

A T square could have everyone on edge Monday, so try not to work with a team. People may not take criticism very well.  Fights and struggles begin that surround the recent findings in world politics. This will bring deep sadness to the world. These realities are upsetting and cause sadness in the world. Things must be talked out and settled as we walk through the dark night of the soul.

The grumps continue on Tuesday, when people will be quick to anger and even bring up arguments from the past.  However, Venus enters Capricorn from January 23rd – February 16th. Although this is not a comfortable sign for the goddess of love, it can be highly productive in manifesting your desires and vision in the material world.

Wednesday, the middle of the week, is the calm in the eye of the storm. Schedule your meetings and social events today to take advantage of the peace and quiet while it lasts.

Thursday brings us another T square involving Jupiter and Pluto bringing in an explosive tone that could erupt at any moment, seemingly out of nowhere. The Moon urges you to move away from disruptive people who only squash your spirit and individuality. If you can remember this, then the harsh energy will have massive benefits for you. Take that deep breath an focus on the heart center while allowing this disturbance to flow past you.


Uranus ends his retrograde cycle on Friday, January 26th (since August 2023). Inventive ideas and new ways to increase your freedom that have been on hold begin to get traction. Finally, all the outer planets that have been retrograde for so long are moving in their forward motion. It is time to step out of your comfort zone and try something new, including meeting new people. Major disputes can lead to attacks and violence. There are disagreements, watch what you say and do as to not offend others. The world is in conflict as well.

While this workweek, the first one since Pluto changed signs, is full of chaos and drama, the weekend ix more flowing, fun loving and free. Saturday  the Moon enters Leo and the Moon’s placement here will lighten up things and give a clearer vision for moving forward. There begins to be a solution to the recent events that caused chaos. Furthermore, now things can really begin to move forward as all the planets are now direct till the first of April when Mercury will go retrograde.  This day is a great time to spend with family and friends, and perhaps enjoy a romantic lunch with your sweetie. The day is packed with upbeat, positive energy. It’s also a good time to do your physical workout or work at completing you backlog of chores.


Lazy Sunday is incredibly harmonious, a wonderful day for romance, art, creativity, or socializing. This is a special day with so many planets casting a trine, the aspect of luck. They are all in fire signs that indicate inspiration and creativity. The Moon is in Leo the other fire sign all day, also in a grand trine with Venus, Mercury, Mars, Jupiter and Uranus. This is the most auspicious day of the month! Use the energy today to create and manifest anything you truly desire. It is a day of great learning and discoveries as well. This is one of the best date nights of January. If you’re looking for a reliable partner who will have your back through thick and thin, then this energy will more than likely bring you satisfaction with your search.