I am in Mahwah, NJ through January 18th.
To make an appointment, please call 201-934-8986.
The NJ Meditation/Lecture will be on
Friday night, January 14th at 7:30 PM
Week of January 10 – January 16, 2011
The Air Signs
Gemini, Libra, Aquarius
You may witness some changes in your circle of friends this week that will end up being positive for you. The Moon strongly activates your social life, bringing a host of new faces your way and also making other more superficial connections disappear. As for couples this week, some tensions do come into play in your relationship, but Mars adds quite a bit of excitement. The Moon in Aries is confusing the issues and the communication between you is at a minimum, if it’s there at all. However, each time you make up is sexier than the last. If you’re single, Neptune and Venus may make you mistake frogs for princes (or princesses). You’re likely to become smitten with someone who is not destined to make you happy. Be careful to protect your heart! Someone new in your life introduces you to many others. There may be a surprise face in the crowd, that gets your heart beating wildly. On the job, Uranus and Jupiter in your activities sector send an unexpected but attractive proposal your way. This opportunity is an opening with the potential for growth and progress. Don’t hesitate to seize it! Your finances are under Saturn’s very strict control. You’re obliged to take care of some lingering debts and structure a budget that may be tight in the short run, but that will help you build a stronger financial foundation over the long-term. Remember, your finances also fall under the influence of Jupiter and Uranus, who are making sure you prosper—and they have some nice surprises in store in the next six weeks. You may be able to indulge in a little stepping out! Enjoy yourself thoroughly.
Your Love Week—Air Signs: Buy coffee for someone special early Monday. Just beware of buying anybody a drink as Mercury squares Uranus Monday night. Thanks to Chiron, there’s a lot to say Tuesday. With the Moon in Aries Monday through Wednesday, it seems like you can’t have both a lover and a friend. Honesty means revelations that could scare someone off. Maybe you’re pursuing the wrong person? Try again with cautious optimism under the Taurus Moon Thursday and Friday. Thanks to Mars, you look mighty fine. Maybe that’s why, at least through Saturday, everyone takes your calls and wants to sit next to you. With your confidence and charm in overdrive, you should get lucky. And if you’re too much for someone to handle, that’s his or her loss. A loving trine (with Pluto or the Sun) clashes with a hesitant quincunx (Venus or Saturn), and there are no guarantees. But for the possibility of a playful, sexy weekend, it’s worth a shot, right?
The Fire Signs
Aries, Leo, Sagittarius
One thing is for sure, this week’s strong point is your excellent financial health. Mercury, the Sun and Pluto are all in Scorpio, showering you with benefits. Under their combined influence, important, positive and lasting changes are possible on the money front. Your wallet puts on weight and takes on a rosy glow. Mars is perking up your mood and sending you fresh vitality. But do be careful to channel your extra energy well because if you take action too hastily or over-estimate your strength or stamina you will find yourself in a state of exhaustion much quicker than you expected. If this happens your nerves will frazzle and you won’t be able to accomplish what you’d set out to. Concerning love, the Moon augurs an encounter for singles. It may not turn out to be a serious, lasting love connection but it does create a little excitement and companionship. Singles are seductive and on a quest for fun. Enjoy yourself. If you’re in a couple, the Moon sends some tension your way towards the end of the week. A family problem has you both digging your heels in; the sooner you compromise, the sooner things will improve. Mars may make you irritable and a bit domineering. Conflicts and arguments are possible, especially over the weekend. , Concerning money matters, you’re likely to be spending fast and furiously, but in spite of this, your situation is stable. Your days on the job go smoothly and there’s not much action beyond the same old routine. You carry out your tasks conscientiously and quite seriously. Your ambition is a force to be reckoned with and you’re indeed tempted to burn the candle at both ends. Your bosses, however, aren’t likely to notice your efforts and you may end up frustrated in your attempts to reach perfection and recognition. Slowly and surely does it. Good job!
Your Love Week—Fire Signs: Your love life heats up when the Moon enters Aries Monday. But with so much Mercury action through Tuesday, you could love ’em and leave ’em in just hours. Why mess with a good thing? That’s Monday’s big question when the Moon-Jupiter conjunction urges you to appreciate your date, while restless Mercury wants you to find someone better. If somebody challenges you Wednesday, what then? Nervous excitement could turn Wednesday’s date into a delight or disaster. If Thursday is about passion, a Moon-Venus quincunx reminds you not to kiss and tell. Under a Taurus Moon on Thursday and Friday, hang with someone who really gets you – although Thursday’s Mars-Jupiter sextile is such a turn-on that there might not be much talking. Dominant types may get their comeuppance Saturday after the Moon sextiles Uranus and enters Gemini. Never forget that your lovers are real people, not playthings. When Mars enters Aquarius Saturday, you could experience the hottest weekend on record.
The Water Signs
Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces
The Moon’s entrance into Aries early this week indicates an increase in activity on the job and can even mean an important contract signature. If you’re looking for work you’re likely to at least have a promising job interview. Know that your professional prospects are looking up. Your finances may be a source of worry at the beginning of the week. This can complicate your life, obliging you to tighten your belt and cut corners in order to meet your financial obligations. Hang in there, it’s all only temporary! Concerning love, Uranus and Jupiter reserve a surprise for singles. You run into someone new, who inflames your senses, and you fall in love on the spot. Will this person feel the same way about you? This Uranus/ Jupiter duo sends instability your way. If you’re single, your heart may be wavering between two people. They’ve each got very different things to offer, and it’s hard to decide which one could bring you the most happiness. Has your heart already made the decision? If you’re in a couple, there’s nothing to rain on your parade and not a single obstacle standing between you and happiness. However, the you couple may be growing rust from the daily routine! It’s up to you to spice up your life together. Why not plan an outing far from your usual haunts and do something that’s nothing short of amazing. Life under your roof could be cozy and fun. Be very careful, because your finances are manhandled by the Moon towards the end of the week. You may have to dip into your savings to handle a monetary emergency. On the professional front, Mars is turning you into a dynamo. When you see a problem you don’t stop until it’s solved. You’re a force to be reckoned with. What talent!
Your Love Week—Water Signs: Impressing your date won’t be easy between Monday and Wednesday. The Moon enters Aries and squares Pluto, and mixed signals from Mercury can worsen anybody’s stubborn anger. Cancer, Gemini, Virgo, and Aquarius are playing head games Monday. If it’s time to dump this one, exit gracefully on Tuesday. At least your mind-reading skills are in top form as the Moon sextiles Neptune and enters Taurus Wednesday. Mercury enters Capricorn as a grounding influence Thursday, and the Taurus Moon trines Pluto. You can do no wrong. Thursday’s Mars-Jupiter sextile makes you persuasive, leading to another hot date when the Sun trines the Moon Friday night. Between a Mars-Jupiter sextile and Friday’s Sun-Moon trine, you’re likely to have your way with someone. This might become a serious erotic adventure after Mars enters Aquarius Saturday night. If Uranus has you assuming too much on Saturday, just hope that special someone wants what you want as Mars enters Aquarius. What have you gotten yourself into?
The Earth Signs
Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn
The Sun, Mercury and Pluto are packing a powerful punch for you earth Signs. You’re on top form, energetic and motivated to get rid of anything that’s weighing you down in your life. You go through the different areas of your life with a fine-tooth comb: including your relationships, friendships, the organization of your household and your paperwork. It’s a huge life-spring cleaning right in the middle of January! Your finances are a sore spot this week, and will require a great deal of your time and attention. Whether the root of the problem is due to late payments or unexpected expenses, your wallet’s losing weight fast. By the end of the week, the process has resulted in more clarity for you. Concerning love, if you’re single, you refuse to get involved in a relationship full of misunderstandings, miscommunications, or other complications. If things are not clear, you will not move forward. The Mercury/ Pluto/ Sun trio are working in harmony to place THE ONE on your path. Once you spot them there’s no turning back, your pitter-pattering heart won’t let you. If you’re in a couple you’re growing tired of the large amounts of time your partner spends away from you. You no longer want to tolerate it. Jupiter and Uranus create the conditions for perfect make-up and new understanding while giving you the opportunity to deepen your bond. You may even consider tying the knot, if you haven’t already. On the job, though things seem to be moving in slow motion, there are subtle changes in the works and you can feel it. This strengthens your convictions and career plans. Venus and Neptune make the workplace a pleasant place to be. The days are rather uneventful and there aren’t many opportunities for progress, but you’re not seeking the spotlight and the slower pace suits you- for now!
Your Love Week—Earth Signs: Getting a date is easy with the Moon in Aries between Monday and Wednesday, but Mercury works against a second date. The planets makes enough conflicting aspects to color you crazy and possibly a little dangerous. Don’t expect to fall in love. When the Moon enters Aries and squares Pluto, you look untouchable. Even a kindly rejection on Tuesday feels better than being ignored. Wednesday night the Moon reaches Taurus, Mercury enters Capricorn Thursday, and making conversation and making love are ridiculously easy. Your energy mellows considerably Wednesday night. When it trines Pluto and the Sun on Thursday and Friday, possible lovers are willing to forget, forgive, or reinterpret your recent behavior. Friday’s Sun-Moon trine could inspire your hottest date ever. Maybe you’re off your game once Mars enters Aquarius Saturday, but you won’t feel as cursed as you did early in the week. Weekend romance starts with friendship, thanks to Saturday’s Moon-Mars trine.