The New Moon in Aquarius begins the Lunar year of the wood snake. In metaphysics, snake energy is associated with transmutation and healing. It represents the need to shed the skin of who you have been, in order to step into a higher form of your Spirit.
The New Moon makes a harmonious trine relationship to expansive and lucky Jupiter. Take a risk on creating a higher vision for your life, and open your belief system to larger possibilities .
The Sabain Symbol for the degree of this New Moon is “A man who had for a time become the embodiment of a popular ideal is made to realize that as a person he is not this ideal.” This suggests that the ideas and images of what people in your life project onto you does not mean that is who you are. It’s time to remember who you are beyond the physical body and allow your connection to your higher self to manifest in great ways in your life.
Aquarius urges you to create win-win environments and to work with each other to serve the higher group consciousness, regardless of differences such as political views, religion, race, etc. Idea planet Mercury and transforming Pluto are also aligned in Aquarius at this New Moon. Open to new ideas and communicate higher ideals but avoid “my way or the highway” attitudes.
On a softer level, relationship planet Venus is aligned with spiritual Neptune to bring a higher vibration, as well as compassion and forgiveness, to all types of relationships. Both are aligned with the spiritual dharma North Node that recently moved into Pisces
This month begins with a stunning conjunction that will illuminate the night sky. Astrologically, Venus takes center stage for the next three months. In 2025, Venus reached its greatest elongation east on January 10th, appearing farthest from the Sun in the evening sky.
On February 1st, Venus will conjunct the Moon. While this will be visible in the night sky, Venus will also align with Neptune and Saturn, a conjunction that won’t be visible but holds immense significance.
This alignment symbolizes promising developments, as Venus governs love, relationships, beauty, art, and wealth.
On the first of the month, Venus and Neptune are in exact conjunction in Pisces, close to the lunar node. With the Moon and Saturn also in Pisces, in a loose trine to retrograde Mars in Cancer, some may feel somewhat lost and fragile. Others may feel their hearts overflowing with longing. However, the refined time quality also invites us to be creative, especially on February 3, when Aquarius Mercury trines Jupiter in Gemini. It is a good time to formulate new ideas, make up stories, or try something completely unfamiliar.
The New Moon in Aquarius begins the Lunar year of the wood snake. In metaphysics, snake energy is associated with transmutation and healing. It represents the need to shed the skin of who you have been, in order to step into a higher form of your Spirit.

The New Moon makes a harmonious trine relationship to expansive and lucky Jupiter. Take a risk on creating a higher vision for your life, and open your belief system to larger possibilities.
The Sabain Symbol for the degree of this New Moon is “A man who had for a time become the embodiment of a popular ideal is made to realize that as a person he is not this ideal.” This suggests that the ideas and images of what people in your life project onto you does not mean that is who you are. It’s time to remember who you are beyond the physical body and allow your connection to your higher self to manifest in great ways in your life.
Aquarius urges you to create win-win environments and to work with each other to serve the higher group consciousness, regardless of differences such as political views, religion, race, etc. Idea planet Mercury and transforming Pluto are also aligned in Aquarius at this New Moon. Open to new ideas and communicate higher ideals but avoid “my way or the highway” attitudes.
On a softer level, relationship planet Venus is aligned with spiritual Neptune to bring a higher vibration, as well as compassion and forgiveness, to all types of relationships. Both are aligned with the spiritual dharma North Node that recently moved into Pisces
This month begins with a stunning conjunction that will illuminate the night sky. Astrologically, Venus takes center stage for the next three months. In 2025, Venus reached its greatest elongation east on January 10th, appearing farthest from the Sun in the evening sky.
On February 1st, Venus will conjunct the Moon. While this will be visible in the night sky, Venus will also align with Neptune and Saturn, a conjunction that won’t be visible but holds immense significance.
This alignment symbolizes promising developments, as Venus governs love, relationships, beauty, art, and wealth.
On the first of the month, Venus and Neptune are in exact conjunction in Pisces, close to the lunar node. With the Moon and Saturn also in Pisces, in a loose trine to retrograde Mars in Cancer, some may feel somewhat lost and fragile. Others may feel their hearts overflowing with longing. However, the refined time quality also invites us to be creative, especially on February 3, when Aquarius Mercury trines Jupiter in Gemini. It is a good time to formulate new ideas, make up stories, or try something completely unfamiliar.
During this time, relationships may thrive, creativity will flourish, and prosperity will abound globally.
Expect to see beautiful art, music, and films that touch the hearts and souls of many. Neptune, associated with film and media, and Rahu, which magnifies energy, will amplify these themes even further.
February also features two planets turning direct: Jupiter on February 4th and Mars on February 23rd. The direct motion of these planets signifies progress. Jupiter in Taurus, a sign linked to financial matters, suggests global economic gains and growth across industries. Business initiatives are likely to flourish, with new opportunities for economic advancement.
While the U.S. experiences notable progress, simmering tensions remain in the background. President Trump may need to remain cautious during this period.
Even though the physical energy may be love, Monday is the perfect day for mental work, problem solving, and brainstorming. You may have an awakening moment that could leave your peers awestruck, so don’t be shy when it comes to sharing your ideas,
On Tuesday, February 4th, Venus enters Aries. Retrograde Mars in Cancer squares Chiron in Aries. This square lasts unusually long because Mars is already moving very slowly as it returns to direct motion at the end of the month. The typical Aries themes of awakening, decisiveness, and willingness to fight are now in stark contrast to the somewhat hesitant and defensive Mars in Cancer. It may be difficult to agree on anything, as people will tend to cling to their own ideas and viewpoint.
Mars in Cancer also indicates moodiness and a lack of self-control. Resolve any possible arguments carefully and avoid concealing your insecurities and feelings of being overwhelmed. Narcissistic slights, repressed emotions, and fears can cause intractable conflicts during this time, which can usually only be resolved by recognizing and dealing with the underlying psychological injuries. It is a good time to look at the parts of ourselves that we have devalued.
Also on Tuesday, Jupiter ends its retrograde. It brings a fresh breeze into the communication channels and enables a lively exchange with others. This sense of ease gains support when the Sun in Aquarius conjoins Mercury on Sunday, February 9th. Mercury is already in loose tension with Uranus. The square of Mercury and Uranus will be exact on Monday, the 10th and that of the Sun and Uranus on the 11th. During this time, you can expect surprising news and sudden events that may also make it necessary to adjust previous rules of the game.
The rest of the week is much more upbeat and positive. Wednesday is a great day for exercise and physical labor. Singles could find their soulmate on Thursday or Friday. Play the lottery because an air of luck and destiny pervades the air on both days.
Saturday is a schmoozie, lazy day . Beware of deceptive romantic partners woo could lead you into the briar patch. It can also be a time when you have to deal with addictions, so best to stay away from bars, casinos, or other tricky places,.
Sunday is bursting with ambitious, industrious vibrations. It’s the perfect time to tackle any chores that have been piling up, perhaps from the beginning of the year.
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