The Cancer-Capricorn Full Moon is on Tuesday, December 29th at 9 Cancer. This is the full moon where you re-balance your home/family needs with your worldly responsibilities. This is a special Full Moon that is focused on women. Back n January 2019, the first Full Moon was also in Cancer, This has brought many women into power, including the Vice-President elect, Camilla Harris. These two Full Moons are bookends casting a bright light on all the things Cancer represents; the home, women, and feminine power. To add to this energy, the Corona Virus has locked many of us down inside our homes. The positive energy is that we get to know and share more with our families. We learn to work from home, and appreciate our distant families, while learning how to adapt to change.
Add in to 2020 coming to a close, and notice that all planets are moving in a forward direction except one; Uranus of course. This signals that we will be experiencing more change as we move through 2021.
Relationship planet Venus is challenging unconditionally loving planet Neptune, and both are tied to the spiritual destiny node. It is time to open up and revise your ideas about all types of relationships, and what your relationship needs will be in the dramatically changing energies of 2021, and the years ahead. Once again, it is time to release old paradigms of thinking in business, personal and family relationships.
Mars continues to challenge Pluto, so be careful of trying to force changes before they are ready (but change is still required-try assertive diplomacy!).
A question on our minds is “Who will be our leader? Who will be sworn in as the next President of the United States on January 20th?” The answer may lie in the energies of December 31st; New Year’s Eve. The Great Conjunction of Saturn and Jupiter that formed at the Winter Solstice, will be opposing the Leo Moon while squaring Uranus. This moon makes small challenges to other planets all day long. It symbolizes “a courageous leader who is brave and bold enough to deal with immense transitions and challenges, but one who is regarded as someone who is out of your comfort zone.” Just keep on the move and don’t get hung up on any one thing or person, and you will cruise through. Many people will celebrate the New Year early and may not see midnight through open eyes.
Warrior Mars has been in Aries since June 30th, an unusually long time due to its retrograde cycle — Sept 9th-Nov. 13th, 2020. He moves into the next sign of Taurus, on January 6th to begin implementing plans you were developing during Mars’ run through pioneering Aries.
Mars aligns with revolutionary Uranus on the USA Inauguration Day, January 20th, so something new and different is afoot. It is my guess with these aspects, and nine planets moving forward, that one of our new leaders just may turn out to be a Lioness.
Mercury also turns retrograde at the end of the month, January 30th, in Aquarius.
May 2021 bring you Love, Peace, Harmony and comfort.