Stargazing — Week of April 8th through April 14th, 2024

Apr 8, 2024 | Stargazing, Stargazing

During this time you should be careful of your relationships. This influence has many possibilities, some good, some difficult. Your unrealistic ideals may lead to acute disappointment with loved ones, unless you make an effort to understand and accept the reality of your relationships. A typical illusion to beware of is picturing yourself in a love relationship as the unselfish, giving one who sacrifices everything for the other. This is a blatant ego game in which the ultimate purpose may be to gain control over the other by manipulating feelings of obligation. Although this influence is capable of producing a beautiful romantic experience, you cannot depend upon it continuing forever. Enjoy it for itself and do not make demands upon it. Beauty does not need to be justified.

The Sun is exalted in Aries meaning it is in its favorite and strongest sign to exude its light and energy. This is a time for new beginnings and awakenings. It’s a time to become inspired, learn new things, and make plans for the future. Begin new projects with the Sun in Aries to ensure success.

A Solar Eclipse in Aries on April 8 and the conjunction of Jupiter and Uranus in Taurus from April 15 to 26. Potent processes that require a lot of attention will kick off this month.

Monday’s Solar Eclipse in Aries is shaking things up, leading to breakthroughs in personal healing. There is no better day to reach out to an estranged loved one. If you seek counseling at this time, you could uncover the root cause of your inner pain.

This solar eclipse marks a turning point in this year. There will be extremes with weather and social uprisings on an emotional level globally. There will be many earth changes concerning earthquakes and volcanic eruptions around this time. The world is changing dramatically but these events are leading us through the dark tunnel to get to the other side of a new and better world.

Tuesday, April 9th. As Mercury enters Pisces and it is still retrograde people will seem to be losing their minds. They cannot remember things and many plans are fouled up due to miscommunications and people not paying attention to details. This marks a time of difficulty with travel and communications. Be careful of forgetfulness and unnecessary mistakes due to absent-mindedness.

Wednesday is one of the most productive days of the year. Plan on beginning an important project or finishing one, Mars joins Saturn in Pisces. This energy brings bravery, strength, and fearlessness to the bottom of your toes.

Thursday favors big ideas, teamwork, and compromise. Bring people together to brainstorm; you will be surprised at the outcome. This energy can involve accidents and possible problems involving ill health. It is time to take care of yourself watch over your diet and begin a regimen to get healthy. Do not be impulsive or impatient; take it easy, take it slow, and be extra cautious when driving. Violence can upset the world in many ways today.

Friday the energies are dissipated and you could feel very lazy.

Trust could be an issue on Saturday, so stick with the status quo. It’s not a time for first dates or searching for your soul mate; never do this with Mercury retrograde.

Sunday is the time to finish projects or do your house chores.