We have the Full Moon in Scorpio this week –Mars conjunct Neptune in Pisces- as well as Mercury turning direct.
The second half of the cycle, April 11-25, is when you do preparation for future projects. Keep in mind that flexibility is required during Mercury retrograde as things do shift after the messenger turns direct. I like to watch aggressive Mars because the god of war is action oriented. From March 22 to April 30, assertive Mars is in not-so-assertive Pisces, an uncomfortable combination. It is excellent for improving your intuition and opening to a higher vision for your life. Watch for active dreams.
Some people now feel the urge for an adventure. Check everything well before you act. Things could subsequently develop an unexpected momentum of their own.
Mars is in Pisces, but changes signs on May 1st. When Mars is in Aries it begins to approach some critical planets that will cause some major social uprisings that we don’t see coming. This will empower Jupiter, as it is the planet of teachings, truth, and spirituality. Mars in Pisces will uplift the spirit to a much more philosophical and truthful way of thinking. Mars and Jupiter together will inspire people to think differently and find their spirit and soul to reconnect.
On Monday, try not to reflect too much on emotional pain caused by loved ones. Instead, use the energy conjured up by Tuesday’s Full Moon in Scorpio to take back your personal power and remove yourself from any manipulative forces to your life that are holding you down.
This full Moon in Scorpio is involved with Jupiter and Uranus bringing light and inspiration to the world. The Sun I Taurus gives power and inspiration to the world. There is a great awakening occurring right now – things have changed quite dramatically, and quickly therefore bringing hope and a sense of feeling more peace after a difficult time. At this point in time, we are at a turning point and many awakenings are occurring quickly and shockingly
This Full moon squares Pluto in Aquarius. Be careful not to allow yourself to be controlled by any force or anyone who just wishes to hold you down. It may be better to leave the party, group, or gathering than to be surrounded by those who don’t properly value you and don’t see you for who you really are. If you are being bullied by a group or a person in authority, summon up the courage to speak out and get some help. You can always move on.
Once Mercury turns direct on Thursday, the confusion of the past weeks will dissipate, leading to a dynamic straightforward day where honesty and trust prevail. This is a time of intense and obsessive-compulsive thinking. Be aware your thoughts are exaggerated and extreme as Mercury is not only conjunct the North Node, which expands things and makes things more outrageous. If you feel you can’t stop thinking about something, realize this is what happens when a planet is conjunct the North Node
Additionally, Mercury is stationing meaning it’s standing still so our thoughts seem to consume us and rule our actions. Try to be more in control of your thinking mind don’t let yourself go on a tangent with exaggerated ideas that are probably not true. You will see so much clearer in a week’s time so let it all go.
Venus in Taurus can be deeply sincere in love and relationships. But as it begins to travel with the Sun, Venus is combusting, meaning it’s weaker and in the area of love and romance we can make mistakes and not see the right things in a partner. Don’t be in a hurry or rush to conclusions concerning love and romance, take it easy, slow, and methodical, just like a Taurus.
As Mercury turns direct so will our thinking mind. We will begin to see things a little clearer but this is still going to take time as Mercury is not only still but it is also conjunct the North Node, so don’t make any decisions right now give it a week’s time, possibly wait till Mercury leaves Aries and goes into Taurus, which will be around May 14th. If decisions can’t wait just be extra cautious and even get someone else’s objective viewpoint when making major decisions.
Saturday is a better day for engaging in intellectual pursuits than foe tackling chores and duties. The day also promotes romance and socializing. Just be careful of any fast-talking salesperson who may be selling you a false set of merchandise. Don’t allow yourself to be scammed.
Sunday, April 28th is a time of deep confusion, Mars with Neptune can represent delusional thoughts, being involved with delusional people, and it can cause people to be out of their minds. This is not the time to make major decisions, especially in a business partnership. Neptune is the energy that clouds the mind and can cause people to misread, misunderstand, and get things completely wrong because Neptune causes us to not see clearly.
Also be careful of over-consuming alcoholic drinks or drugs. Today is a time of miscommunications but most of all misdirection. If you are seeing a doctor, there may be a misdiagnosis, so be cautious with your health during this time