STARGAZING — Week of April 15th through April 22nd, 2012

Apr 16, 2012 | Monthly Astrology|Stargazing

Week of April 15th – April 22nd, 2012


This week we are ready to let go of the past and jump at the possibility of change. We may be confused by alternating waves of certainty and doubt as mental Mercury moves into impetuous Aries, prompting us to act and speak without thinking. Although our perceptions are sharp, boundaries are fuzzy. Additionally, complications arise from warm Venus’ harsh aspect to cold Saturn, yet an animated discussion helps to overcome the fear of intimacy.

On April 14, after a couple months of slow, retrograde motion, Mars finally turned direct again! Any motivation that’s been waning lately will suddenly rear up, giving you the drive and determination to take on just about anything you put your mind to. On Sunday, April 15, the Aries Sun opposed Saturn, potentially throwing a wrench in some of your plans and forcing you to slow down a bit. This energy frustrates the Aries influence, but Saturn is adamant that you take the time to sort out what’s really necessary and eliminate any extra baggage you’re carrying. In the end, this helps speed things up, but through the end of the month, it could lead to a little extra hair pulling.

Fortunately, by April 16, the Universe kicks back into high gear. Mercury can leave you feeling a bit restless and easily scattered, and when mixed with excitable Aries, you’ll have a tendency to immediately say whatever pops into your head. Fortunately, people will be less likely to hold grudges under this transit, so you can keep moving along at the high-paced speed of life!

Planetary energies are easing up for the next month or so we think. Mars, the planet of energy and movement, just ended its retrograde period and is moving forward in Virgo. If you did not get around to cleaning your closets or cleansing your body while it was retrograde, this is the final call to purify. The next few weeks provide a good gap between planetary challenges until relationship planet Venus turns retrograde on May 15th and a solar eclipse on May 20th, so you have an open window to initiate new actions. This eclipse at 0 degrees Gemini is very powerful, as it indicated changes in leadership and the status quo. Join us for a meditation afternoon, either on-line or on person, to work with these new energies.

The New Moon on April 21st is in practical and sensual Taurus. On the earthly level, it is good to accomplish something tangible in the next several weeks. This can range from home fix-up projects to giving your body a spring tune-up. Spiritually speaking, Taurus is about to help you step into a higher set of values. Look at where your philosophical beliefs are out of alignment with the actions you are taking in the world.

This New Moon represents “an electrical storm.” Meditate on the meaning of this for yourself in the next two weeks. The late astrologer Dane Rudhyar suggests it is “the cosmic power able to transform all the implications of natural existence.” Perhaps it is time to tap into the raw, all knowing power of the Universe to bring new ideas and methods into your life.

The Sun’s entry into earthy Taurus on Thursday puts us in a sensual mood. The scent of spring flowers, a tender touch, and sweet sounds invite intimacy in the most delightful ways imaginable. Saturday’s New Moon in this indulgent sign is a reminder that going slower gets us further than racing so fast that love can’t find us. Remember, Aries and its ruling planet, Mars, thrive in high-pressure situations and crave quick, decisive action. Over the next few days, you’ll discover just how much you can accomplish when Mars and Aries come together, even with a cosmic speed bump or two trying to slow you down. Take a deep breath, because time may get even busier over the next few months.

The Air Signs
Gemini, Libra, Aquarius

You’ll have renewed zest for life when Mercury enters Aries on Monday. “Bring it on!” will be your mantra. Remember to call on your common sense. A smooth-talker might try to steer you in the wrong direction. You’ll be walking on air on Tuesday. An economic windfall will bring extra cash to your wallet. Impulsive behavior could cause problems for you when the Moon conjuncts Uranus on Wednesday. Don’t take action too hastily regarding a certain matter. Make a wish on Wednesday night. The Universe will grant your request in an unusual way! A loved one could ask you to fight his or her battles on Thursday. It isn’t wise to interfere in your associate’s quarrels. You’ll get caught in the middle. Give them a pep talk. This person needs to hear your encouraging words. Love may prove complicated on Thursday evening. A secret admirer could finally declare his or her romantic intentions. Your energy level may drop when the Moon opposes Saturn in Libra on Friday. Rest and relaxation will help restore your vitality. Expect the unexpected this weekend. A new adventure will spice up your life on Sunday. One scenario will take a surprising turn. Your spiritual side will activate on Sunday as well. Think about joining a meditation group or taking a long walk with a close friend.

Your Love Week—Air Signs: It’s also time to eliminate negative feelings or attitudes that weigh you down. Your week starts on a serious note as stern Saturn stresses loving Venus in the usually lighthearted sign of Gemini. It’s best to face reality with a responsible attitude to keep dark clouds from lingering too long. Mercury in Aries accelerates communications with your friends, which will help you meet someone special. A group discussion can bring a romantic encounter, especially toward the middle of the week. A spontaneous trip may bring a romantic encounter. Some sexy repartee will lead to a sexy romp. A spontaneous, generous gesture inspires passion. Mental sparks can ignite passion, too! Your home will likely be the center of your social activities around the time of New Moon on Saturday. It’s all about letting down your walls so you can enjoy more intimacy. Privacy is a priority this weekend with the sensible Taurus New Moon. Getting away from it all to rest and recuperate alone or with one dependable companion is definitely desirable if you can make it happen. This weekend is an especially good time to change up your décor and host a party for friends or an intimate dinner for two. Sticking close to home enlivens your relationship life. The stabilizing New Moon bringing you pleasure when you open up and share the personal side of your story. An evening in a cozy environment sets a soothing tone that invites intimacy. Simplicity is the best route to romance now. Create a serene ambiance that inspires intimacy can inspire love this weekend. A gentle approach to romance makes sense. Focus on the little pleasures and the simplicity of being in the moment instead of making elaborate plans. Collaborating on a job together or working out alongside someone can bring you closer in unexpected ways. However, if you’re spending time with a stubborn individual, pushing him or her is unlikely to get you what you want. Keep things simple and success is yours.

The Fire Signs
Aries, Leo, Sagittarius

Your powers of persuasion will kick up a notch on Monday. Consider pitching a new idea to the boss. Also, read the fine print on Monday. There could be a hidden clause attached to a financial deal. A relative could pay you an unexpected visit on Tuesday. Your loved one wants to walk down memory lane. Your creativity will soar on Wednesday. Consider turning an artistic endeavor into a moneymaking venture. The travel bug will bite you as well. A change of scene will help satisfy your wanderlust. Make your vacation plans now. A spotlight will shine on your finances on Thursday. Get ready to put your personal accounting in order. A loved one may rebuff your efforts to get close on Friday. This person needs some time alone. A colleague might whisper false information in your ear when Mercury is quincunx Mars on Friday. Don’t believe everything you hear at work. Excitement will be your main goal when Mercury conjuncts Uranus in Aries on Sunday. Don’t walk on the high wire without a safety net! A wonderful job opportunity could appear when the New Moon is in Taurus on Saturday. It’s a great time to send out resumes. Be mindful of your actions while playing sports on Sunday. Keep your eye on the ball at all times. Review your attitude toward a certain situation on Sunday evening. Don’t let pride stand in the way of your happiness.

Your Love Week—Fire Signs: Mercury jaunting through the fire sign of Aries makes you a magnet for admirers through your use of words, so promote your ideas and share your humor, knowledge and wisdom. Romance can be found online or during a trip on Wednesday. You may meet a potential paramour through a colleague or work activity around the time of the New Moon. A message (from afar?) may lead to romance toward the middle of the week. Sharing your spiritual views will inspire love as well. A public event is a likely place to find romance. Being a calm leader gains you favorable attention. Look for love during work activities or a volunteer project around. Also, romance can be found through a message, ad or online source during Mercury in Aries. Flirting can bring a romantic interlude too. The reliable Taurus New Moon on Saturday puts extra weight on your shoulders. However, your ability to handle your obligations with a smile and an easygoing attitude can turn your personal life in a positive direction. Taking charge without being bossy earns you trust and affection. Take your time this weekend as lingering over a cup of coffee and mellow conversations are invitations to intimacy. Your helpfulness inspires love during the weekend. The New Moon in easygoing Taurus on Saturday is about setting your feet solidly on the ground instead of rushing off to your next activity. Take in the beauty of nature or cook a meal for someone you like because sharing pleasure is bound to delight you, and might lead you toward a deeper connection. A locale that’s surrounded by natural beauty inspires a romantic interlude this weekend.

The Water Signs
Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces

You’ll have a strong sense of personal power on Monday. You won’t be afraid to take charge of your life. You’ll be able to outwit a foe when the Moon sextiles Pluto on Monday. Rely on your inner resources when dealing with life’s challenges. Take another look at your priorities on Tuesday. Spend more time on the activities that you really enjoy. Go with the flow. Remember, you can’t control every aspect of your life. Good fortune will come your way when the Moon sextiles Jupiter. Positive vibrations will accompany all of your endeavors. Listen closely at a business meeting on Wednesday. You’ll learn more by speaking less. Relationship issues will take center stage on Thursday. It’s a great time to get a partnership back in good working order. A partner may emit a jealous vibe on Thursday. This person envies your attention to another. Have an honest talk regarding the relationship. Your logic will be fully activated on Saturday. You’ll discern the truth regarding a certain matter. Your charisma will be strong when the Sun sextiles Neptune in Pisces on Sunday. Get out and mingle with others as much as possible. Follow your conscience regarding a particular matter on Sunday. You’ll generate good karma by taking the high road.

Your Love Week—Water Signs: Romance doesn’t come from putting on a big show. Amour is aroused when you’re feeling safe and comfortable. A slow and easy approach is what it takes to put others in the mood. A casual conversation can end up connecting you with someone new or adding warmth to your current relationship. Adopting an easygoing attitude is more attractive than trying to impress anyone. If you’re sincerely enjoying yourself, everyone will want to join your party. Friends and organizations are likely to enliven your personal life. Saturday’s sensual Taurus New Moon makes the company of pals or participation in team-oriented projects especially satisfying. Sharing interest in a common cause helps to stimulate your current partnership, or puts you in the right situation where you can connect with someone new. Romance doesn’t come from putting on a big show this weekend. Amour is aroused when you’re feeling safe and comfortable. A slow and easy approach is what it takes to put others in the mood. A casual conversation can end up connecting you with someone new or adding warmth to your current relationship. Adopting an easygoing attitude is more attractive than trying to impress anyone. If you’re sincerely enjoying yourself, everyone will want to join your party.

The Earth Signs
Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn

Dance to your own rhythm on Monday, Earth Signs. Don’t let the opinion of a loved one influence your behavior. Health matters will require your attention on Monday. You might need to change your diet! Follow your hunches. Your sixth sense will help you to make the right choices. You might meet someone with influence in the community on Tuesday. This person will broaden your social life. If you’re paired, doing fun things together will reignite your passion. Spending time with friends can bring a romantic interlude on Tuesday. Your assertive side will spring into action when the Moon is quincunx Mars in Virgo on Wednesday. You’ll be eager to state your case to others. The Sun enters Taurus on Thursday. New vibrations will come your way. If you’re single, you could meet your soul mate. If you’re attached, affection will flow in the relationship. You could be caught in a difficult spot on Friday. A certain situation won’t allow you any wriggle room. A project may be put on hold on Friday as well. The timing isn’t right regarding this particular venture. You’ll be more confident than ever! Enhance your image on Saturday. Clean your closets and donate the clothes you never wear. Shop for a dazzling new outfit that will wow your associates. A lover will want to share intimate moments on Saturday evening. Clear your schedule to spend quality time with this person! A friend will be generous to you on Sunday. This person has your best interests at heart.

Your Love Week—Earth Signs: If you’re stuck in a rut and resist trying different experiences, then your hopes for romance will diminish. But when you heartily enjoy life’s pleasures while sharing them generously with others, the outcome is bound to be favorable. Quality counts more than quantity now, so don’t jam your schedule with more activities than necessary. Slow down and soak in the love around you. Stretch your social boundaries by going to new places and exploring different experiences. The rewards can be delicious as you dream about Faraway Places. The key to making this magic happen is to set aside professional ambitions and practical considerations. This is your time to dive into life’s pleasures without thinking about the cost. Romance can be found during a class, trip or spiritual gathering. Seeing the bigger picture of your hopes and dreams will help you manifest them faster. Tuesday is an excellent time for a tryst with your sweetie. This weekend, you’ll likely meet someone who is spiritually in tune with you. This should be a yummy weekend with the sensual Taurus New Moon bringing romance on Saturday. Put away all your obligations and let your inner child lead the way. A playful attitude with no other goal than to enjoy the present moment will make you especially desirable to others. Indulging yourself in life’s simple pleasures can banish worries and puts you on a fresh course toward fun. Saturday’s New Moon in Taurus is both an opportunity and a challenge. This New Moon launches a new personal cycle, which will help you manifest more love in your life by just being yourself. Also, being clear about what you want will help you meet someone compatible or improve your current relationship. The New Moon makes it easier to meet someone fabulous. Look for love during entertainment-related activities such as a party or concert. You’ll be especially lucky in love this weekend. Your powers of attraction soar, so release your inner light!