STARGAZING – The Last Week of 2012

Dec 26, 2012 | Special Messages

Week of Dec. 24th – Dec. 30th, 2012


Here we are at the end of the Mayan Calendar. It’s December, 2012! We have experienced an intense couple of months now that Saturn has moved into Scorpio, and this promises to continue throughout 2013.

  2012 is going out with a bang, not a whimper. On Tuesday afternoon passionate Mars enters unconventional Aquarius while the willful Sun squares rebellious Uranus, springing surprises and upsetting traditions. For Christmas and Kwanzaa, the moon is in talkative Gemini. This is a social, but keep moving, kind of holiday. On the 25th, with Mars moving into high-tech Aquarius to support all those technology gifts or purchases, avoid frustration with technology or transportation later in the day on December 25th when the Sun squares Uranus. This is an impatient and forceful energy, so don’t try to fix your new technology gifts with a hammer or drive to fast. Mars will be in Aquarius through February 1st, so there is plenty of time to learn the new technology. This is also good for networking with new friends and organizations.

Hopefully you’ve had a chance to rest up and relax by the time December 26th comes around: the cosmic scene is about to get intense! Fiery Mars rolls into spicy Aquarius and the planet has completely uncompromising plans for its month-long stay. You’ll be in an especially inventive frame of mind, concocting some brilliant schemes, but argumentative tendencies and a belief that only your way is the right way could ultimately slow down any potential progress.

Also on the 26th, the Sun and Uranus will square off against each other. Typically, an alignment like this can help break old chains, removing you from previous restrictions, and you may experience some of this. However, Uranus is still strongly connected to Pluto, which will leave you feeling disrupted and unsettled. Keep a cool head and remain patient! Jumping to conclusions or acting too quickly will only make situations more difficult to negotiate.

The next day, on December 27th, Saturn and Pluto will give you the courage and grit you need to move ahead with some aspect of your life, but they’re somber outlook will be far from frivolous or fun. Then, the Full Moon will rise in Cancer on December 28th, demanding you find balance between the paths along which your emotions try to pull you and the routes that are more practical and ambitious. Friday’s Full Moon in sensitive Cancer connects to unpredictable Uranus and provocative Pluto, paving the way to a dramatic weekend ahead. Stay cool to avoid emotional explosions and open your heart to the possibility of positive change.

The Full Moon on December 28th at 8 degrees Cancer/Capricorn presents a challenging way to end the year. The energetic Sun aligns with transforming Pluto and is pulled in the opposite direction by the emotional Moon. And then shake-it-all-up Uranus yanks on you from the side to set you free of old patterns and beliefs. Of course it is a good thing to release and transform, but the process is not always comfortable.

You are viewing several different perspectives on your life now. Pluto destroys anything that gets between you and God Source. An image is Archangel Michael using his sword to remove fears, ego, and self-esteem limitations or calling on Lore Shiva to cut it all away. This cutting away helps you use your power in the world while connected to the One Source of all that is. The result is quite good, but the healing and releasing process can be emotional and not always fun. Allow yourself to be pulled apart so that you can be reintegrated in the weeks ahead. Mix business and pleasure in the coming weeks for assured success.

Sunday morning the 30th has the Sun aligning with Pluto. This would be a good day to start a New Year’s diet, except for the moon is in Leo, which likes to be treated with goodies. Instead sit down and project some New Year resolutions, and state all that which you wish to release on New Year’s Eve. That way you’ll be ready to let go – and celebrate.

Why not delve more clearly into your heart’s desires with a 2013 Reading? Straight to the point, Elizabeth gives you everything you need to take advantage of the sheer power of the last transits of 2012 and the opening of 2013.