Stargazing — April 29th through May5, 2024

Apr 29, 2024 | Stargazing, Stargazing


Week of April 29th through May 5th, 2024

The quality of time in May is somewhat more relaxed than in the previous month when all signs pointed to trouble and change. However, what has erupted for you in recent weeks needs to be consolidated and integrated. That could be challenging, especially in the middle of the month. But May 2024 is also about love and sensuality. The last days of the month will bring an unusual lightness.



From April 30 until June 9, Mars is in one of his favorite signs, Aries (the other is Scorpio). It’s time for to get moving. Physical activity is favored. (I may finally get my attic, basement, or garage cleaned out!). Whatever you decided to begin and focus on during the eclipses and Mercury retrograde, now it’s time to take action.

Have courage to pioneer a new path. Express self-confidence. Both Mars and Aries are associated with the fire element. Put strong effort into whatever lights up your passionate side. Of course, the downside is that all those boring things that you have to do can be neglected or put off to later.

These last few days of April bring in a highly romantic and poetic time. Forget about the daily grind on Monday, and focus on the artistic, new love and comfortable warmth of life.  Snuggle with loved ones.

Tuesday Mars jumps into Aries, the sign it rules, bringing enthusiasm, ambition, and a strong confidence. People may be a bit touchy on Wednesday, so it’s better to lie low mid-week.

Tuesday and Friday are excellent days to impress the boss or higher-ups at work or in authority. It’s a perfect time to ask for a raise or promotion, or begin a new endeavor. It’s also time to accept a new job or to job-interview.

Saturday brings a wide range of activities from carrying out house renovations to spending tie with family, along with adventure sports and art creations.  No matter what you wind up doing, you will thoroughly enjoy it.

Sunday Mercury leaves it’s storm. The day is free of any astrological transits, freeing you up to do anything you desire.