SCORPIO — 2023
It’s time to fall back with our clocks and prepare for winter,
beginning November 6th at 2:00 AM.
We may never be remembered for doing great, great things in life,
but if we do all little things with Love,
we will never be forgotten by a few,
and will be remembered with warmth and a smile.
Halloween and All Saints Day remind us of Spirit,
the rising up of the Soul,
the existence of afterlife,
and the importance of our passed-over loved ones.
I am empowered by my Inner Strength and Divine Helper
Oh great and mighty Jupiter,
Your blessings I do seek,
Your angels and guides send to me,
Good Spirits rich and sleek.
Good nature spirits and higher vibrations
Sent by God, your comradeship I love.
For bounty, success, and good fellowship,
My thanks are sent above.
Spirits powerful and great
Your riches I share in fun
And friendship true,
Prosperity descends on me,
My thanks sent deeply to you.
And now my Light is shining bright,
Rich and green for all to see.
Good fortune is my Law of Life,
I give thanks – to the Universe!
May God grant me Health, Protection and Guidance.
The Sun has entered SCORPIO
SCORPIO energies bring a renewed interest in sharing. You become more public oriented and are searching for love as well as career recognition. Be determined that early month trauma, fears, pessimism, repression and doubts can be eiminated from your life as you promote a penetrating insightfulness, willpower and the skill to solve mysterious riddles. This is the height of the season. Autumn has truly arrived. Enjoy entertaining and socializing with friends and colleagues. Above all, cultivate the skill of open, empathetic communication in place of subtle deception. Scorpio is an intense sign, and is not in a realm of easy answers, but it always holds the gold key to spiritual transcendence.
Your focus will be on a number of issues this month because a lot is happening in the heavens as well as on the planet Earth. The first being a change of time, as we go back to standard time on the sixth.
There promises to be no peace right up to the Christmas Holiday, if then. Communication and travel may be very turbulent as well. During this time, be cautious, stay alert, and be very careful of whatever you put in writing – including your tweets!
RUNE of the Month – INITIATION
Initiation — Something Hidden, A Secret Matter
The heretic of the mystery Rune Initiation points to that which is beyond our frail manipulative powers. This Rune is on the side of Heaven, the Unknowable, and has associations with the Phoenix, that mystical bird that consumes itself in the fire and then rises from its own ashes. Its ways are secret and hidden.
Deep inner transformation forces are at work here. Yet what is achieved is not easily or readily shared. An integrity is involved that may be masked, disguised or secret. After all, becoming whole, the means of how to achieve this, is a profound and mystic secret.
On the side of the earthly or mundane, there may well be surprises; unexpected gains are quite possible. On the side of human nature, this Rune is symbolized by the flight of the eagle. Soaring flight, free from entanglement, lifting yourself above the endless ebb and flow of ordinary life to acquire a broader vision – all this is indicated for the time of bright and lively Scorpio in 2023. This is the Rune of question.
Another in the Cycle Runes, Perth signifies an intense aspect of initiation. Nothing external matters here, except as it shows you its inner reflection. This Rune is connected with the deepest stratum of nature and being, which is the bedrock on which your fate is founded. If need be, let go of everything, no exceptions, no exclusions. Nothing less than renewal of the Spirit is at stake.
There is a warning here of expecting to much, or expecting things to continue on in the ordinary way. For the old way has come to an end, and you cannot repeat the patterns of the past and not expect to suffer. This Rune puts you on notice to call in your scattered energies and concentrate on your own life in this moment, your own requirements for growth. More important, Initiation teaches you not to focus on the outcome of your actions and desires. Do not bind yourself to the memory of past achievements which will rob you of a true present. Staying in the moment and acting out of the now is the only time when self-change can be realized.
Don’t be afraid to make the leap or take the chance.
AMBER – Fossalized resin from prehistoric pine trees. Exerts a positive influence on endocrine system, spleen, heart. Healing, soothing and harmonizing. Electrically alive with solidified golden light. Stabilizes kundalini awakening. Activates altruistic nature. Spiritualizes the intellect. Creates inner peace.
TOPAZ brings Tissue regeneration, strengthens liver, gallbladder, spleen, digestive organs, nervous system. Detoxifies body. Warming, awakening, inspiring abundance. (Blue topaz) Tissue regeneration. Strengthens thyroid gland, enhances metabolism, creating emotional balance. Cooling and soothing. Creates peace and tranquility. Brings creativity and self expression. Helps with writer’s block. Enhances psychic perception. Helps with communication with your Blessed Higher Self and Spirit Guides.

Armor all my boundaries,
Teach me my shields,
Reflect all the hurt,
So I will not yield.
Armadillo wears its armor on its back, its medicine is a part of its body. Its boundaries of safety are a part of its total being. Armadillo can roll into a ball and never be penetrated by enemies.
What a gift it is to set your boundaries so that harmful words or intentions just roll off. Your lesson is in setting up what you are willing to experience. If you do not wish to experience feeling invaded, just call on Armadillo.
A clue to how to proceed is to make a circle on a piece of paper and see it as a medicine shield. In the body of the shield, write all that you desire to have, do, or experience. Perform this ritual before the New Moon on October 10th if you can. Be sure to include all that you love and things that bring you joy. This is called setting a condition. This will set up boundaries for you, and will allow only these chosen experiences to be a part of your life. These boundaries become a shield that wards off all things which are undesirable to you. The shield reflects what you are and what your will is to others on an unconscious level. Outside of the shield you may put what you are willing to experience by invitation only. An example would be a visit by a long lost relative, or criticism from friends, or people asking for handouts.
Armadillo waddles into October’s Libra energies. It is time to define your space. You may have been too willing to allow your home to become a bus station. You may find that you cannot say no, even when you know that you will have to cancel other plans to be obliging. This routine can get old in a hurry!
It may be time to ask yourself the following questions:
- Am I honoring the time I need for my personal enjoyment?
- Do others treat me like a doormat?
- Why do I always get upset when I’m taken for granted?
- Is there a reason for my being a “yes” person?
All of the answers to these questions relate to setting up boundaries. They help to show what you will do and what you won’t do. They show what is comforting and comfortable to you, and what is not. How you react in any circumstance has to do with your ability to become objective and tune into the environment and to others. You cannot be objective if you cannot tell where the other person’s personality stops and where yours begins. If you have set no boundaries, you become a sponge. It will seem as if all of the feelings in a room full of people are yours. Ask yourself if you are really feeling depressed or if this feeling really belongs to the person you are talking to? Then allow Armadillo’s armor to slice in-between, giving you back your sense of self.

This has always been the section for Healing Requests. Through the power of group prayers, healing take place spontaneously. You can be of help to many others, as well as your loved ones, with one minute of silence at 7:30 pm EST every Sunday evening anywhere in the world. With a prayer for the recovery of health, universal energy is sent out to any and all who send in their prayer request. What is needed is the name and birth date of the ill person, along with a diagnosis, if possible. What are you asking to be lifted? When you place your request in the Healing Circle of Light—located in our Prayer Room; know that as soon as you make your Prayer request and Healing request, you will begin to see positive results!
(We have had thousands of responses. Keep the Prayers going for all concerned!)
Discover the secrets of your Astrological Sun Sign, Moon Sign and Rising Sign
and read them all together, for monthly guidance and direction.
New Moon in Scorpio a time when it’s easy to be swept away by illusions and delusions, leading to impulsive actions. Avoid signing on the dotted line or hastily joining groups and causes.
The November 27th Full Moon in Gemini will help you push away from any close-minded killjoys in your family or group.
SCORPIO: Polarity: Feminine Sign: Fixed Element: Water
Planetary Rule: 8th House/Pluto-Mars Body: Reproductive System
FOCUS: I love myself exactly the way I am.
Aries (3/21 – 4/20)
As November opens, it’s not to early to focus on the Holiday Party Season that the next two months will bring. Around the 17th your boss may distribute early holiday bonuses or give everyone an extra day off. Use some of that extra cash to splurge on your large Thanksgiving Day feast. The weather could be harsh, so make sure out-of-town guests arrive early enough not to miss out.
Taurus (4/21-5/21)
November is the time to send out invites for your multicourse meal on Thanksgiving Day. You may be up to your ears in work early in the month. Plan to recharge your batteries over the weekend of the 17th. Family members near and far will join you for the Thanksgiving weekend. Accept with gratitude when a close family member offers to help you with food preparation. The Gemini Full Moon on the 27th warns you about overspending on gifts this year. Be sure to bargain shop.
Gemini (5/21-6/20)
As November opens you are planning a shopping trip with a close friend or family member. You write a donation check to the local food bank to provide meals for the less fortunate. Luckily and thoughtfully, you company hands out holiday bonus checks a bit early this year. An unexpected close friend arrives for the Thanksgiving Holiday from overseas. Your guests marvel at the array of food choices on your holiday dinner table.
Cancer (6/21-7/22)
As November opens the hi-capacity double ovens arrive to be installed in time for the Thanksgiving feast you are planning. Plan any holiday travel early, to gain the best travel deals and accommodations. As you plan a diverse meal to include everyone at your table, delegate the dessert making to a favorite family member who loves to bake pies. Recruit some neighbors and friends when you plan to cook for the community pre-holiday on the 19th. Expect a swinging door at your home between the 19th and 27th as friends, neighbors, and relatives come to share and pass through.
Leo (7/23-8/22)
In November you Leo’s provide service and food for the pre-holiday community dinner on the 19th. Although you love to cook at home, this year you could travel a distance to a relative’s feast. Of course you will volunteer to help with the cooking and drinks preparation. Money matters are favored as you get good news about your investments early in the month. You’ll solve gift problems with your usual Leo competence as you shop on Black Friday.
Virgo (8/23-9/22)
You’re in a problem-solving mood as November opens, Virgo. Work is piling up and begging to be worked on. Tackle what is the most critical, and delegate the rest into capable hands, so all of you can enjoy the upcoming Thanksgiving Holiday. Set your holiday table for the workmates who live too far away to be able to get home. Ask everyone to share their favorite Thanksgiving memory or story, and enjoy how the room comes together in gratitude. Avoid discussions of a sensitive nature to keep the warmth in the air.
Libra (9/23-10/22)
As November opens you meet with your executive team to review and prioritize current projects to stay on track through the holiday season. You welcome your partner’s family to your Thanksgiving table after a long separation. Enjoy the array of festive foods that pleases everyone. You are thankful for your salary increase mid-month that is very positive through 2024. You are careful and caring enough to donate to the local food bank to help feed the less fortunate
Scorpio (10/ 23-11/22)
November has you traveling early in the month to investigate new business. You single Scorpios could meet a potential partner at the New Moon on the 13th. If you’re hosting Thanksgiving dinner, send out your invites early to give everyone a chance to RSVP. Decide if you need help with food preparation and ask those who will accomplish the task. Take time to help the community prepare a meal for those in need. Confer with your partner on Black Friday, when you purchase gifts for the family and loved ones.
Sagittarius (11/23-12/22)
Don’t forget your list as you food shop for your Thanksgiving meal. Write a check to your favorite charity that feeds the homeless to help brighten spirits and create positive memories. You singles Sagittarians could be setting a place at your table for your new love. You score big in the financial department early in November and treasure your surprise extra funds. Although you may be tempted, leave politics out of any Thanksgiving conversation. Light music can break the ice.
Capricorn (12/22-1/19)
For a planner like you, your home has to be ready for the company you’re hosting at your Thanksgiving feast. At work, you outshine with your strategic insights and problem solving techniques. Review your guest checklist in order to provide those special foods for your varied guests. The planets are restless on Thanksgiving day; Light calming candles. You find the perfect gift for your loved one on Black Friday.
Aquarius (1/20-2/18)
As November opens, you prepare your home to welcome your guests as you host the holiday feast. This year, colleagues, family members, and beloved guests all join you for the Thanksgiving Day dinner. You surprise guests when your favorite cousin arrives with homemade pies and desserts. A Holiday bonus or merit award arrives just after Saturn turns direct on the 4th. You shop for additional home decorations to beautify your space.
Pisces (2/19-3/20)
Your into solving problems of the practical kind through your intuitive gifts as November opens. You want to get a good start on all of your Holiday plans. Make finishing up your work projects a priority so you have lots of time to Holiday shop. You sign up to serve at the local food bank kitchen on Thanksgiving morning. You enjoy a modest dinner with family and loved ones. Keep politics off the table and bask in the love and sharing.
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