Oct 19, 2017 | Monthly Astrology

scorpio horoscope



This is my lucky year.
I have the ability to be successful in any career I choose!

It’s time to fall back with our clocks and prepare for winter.

We may never be remembered for doing great, great things in life, but if we do all little things with Love, we will never be forgotten by a few, and will be remembered with warmth and a smile.

and All Saints Day remind us of Spirit — and the importance of our loved ones


Single Candel

Every heartbeat is God’s name to me. Every breath of life is ecstasy. Every night is bliss and I awaken in your company. Then dawn plays a symphony revealing to me my personal reality. Every life is a living God to me. Every thing is an expression of God’s personality. Every kiss is God’s romance and every love is embedded in God’s originality.

I hear, breathe, sing and speak of God. Each day your plan reveals it’s universal truth. From the past to the future, connected, is how each day shall be. Speaking thy name, I will dwell on you eternally. —Yogi Bhajan

The Sun has entered SCORPIO

SCORPIO energies bring a renewed interest in going within. You become more private and are searching for self-acceptance as well as career recognition. Be determined that early month trauma, fears, pessimism, repression and doubts can be eliminated from your life as you promote a penetrating insightfulness, willpower and the skill to solve mysterious riddles. This is the height of the season. Autumn has truly arrived. Enjoy entertaining and socializing with friends and colleagues. Above all, cultivate the skill of open, empathetic communication in place of subtle, dark deception. Scorpio is an intense sign, and is not in a realm of easy answers, but it always holds the gold key to spiritual transcendence.

Based on the Rune (Self) and Animal (Wolf), November 2017 brings a time of facing your obstacles, jumping over your hurdels that brings forgiveness and new beginnings. Just before Saturn changes signs, and moves into Capricorn on  the Winter Solstice, we reunite with loved ones who may have gone astray or with whom we had some great misunderstandings, with the sole purpose to release, let go, and reunite on clear, new energies. The month of Thanksgiving becomes more important than in times past. Expect phone calls from out of the blue, as well as family gatherings becoming joyous and loving. So drop your  preconceived negativity, resentments, anger, and fear, and come join the party!

From: Medicine Cards by Sams & Carson, published by Bear & Co.

Wolf, Teacher, Pathfinder
Moon-Dog of my Soul
Howling, Singing,
Teaching us how to know.

Wolf is the pathfinder, the forerunner of new ideas who returns to the clan to teach and share medicine. Wolf takes one mate for life and is loyal like Dog. If you were to keep company with wolves, you would find an enormous sense of family within the pack, as well as a strong individualistic urge. These qualities make Wolf very much like the human race. As humans, we also have an ability to be a part of society and yet still embody our individual dreams and ideas.

In the Great Star Nation, Wolf is represented by the Dog Star, Sirius, which legend tells us was the original home of our teachers in ancient times. Sirius was thought to be the home of the gods by the ancient Egyptians, and is still considered so by the Dogan tribe in Africa. It stands to reason that Native American people would formulate this same connection and adopt Wolf people as the clan of teachers.

The senses of Wolf are very keen and the Moon is its power ally. The Moon is the symbol for psychic energy, or the unconscious that holds the secrets of knowledge and wisdom. Baying at the Moon may be an indication of Wolf’s desire to connect with new ideas which are just below the surface of consciousness. Wolf medicine empowers the teacher within us all to come forth and aid the children of Earth in understanding the great mysteries and life.

November 2017 has drawn the energies of Wolf, enabling you to share your personal medicine with others. Your intuitive side may also have an answer or teaching for your personal use at this time. As you feel Wolf coming alive within you, you may wish to share your knowledge by writing or lecturing on information that will help others better understand their uniqueness or path in life. It is in the sharing of great truths that the consciousness of humanity will attain new heights. Wolf could also be telling you to seek out lonely places that will allow you to see your teacher within. In the aloneness of a power place, devoid of other humans, you may find the true you. Look for these teachings no matter where you are. Wolf would not come to you unless you requested the appearance of the tribe’s greatest teacher

Another part of Wolf medicine may be that you are being asked to expand your limited view of a present situation. Doing this may entail a great deal of courage and a willingness to look at new ideas. It could also require that you delete some old ideas to make room for the expansiveness that always comes when you are willing to learn. The gift of wisdom that comes to you when you have walked enough pathways and found enough dead ends to truly know the forest. In the discovery and re-discovery of every inch of ground comes the knowledge that nothing ever remains the same.

You may be aware, in November of 2017, that the stagnation or fear of asserting your viewpoint has bogged down the flow of energy in your life. Wolf is always urging you to seek the teachers and pathfinders that will show you the way to new life experiences. Remember, the teacher or pathfinder may be the still small voice within, as well as a person, a leaf, a cloud, a stone, a book, or the Great Spirit.

To live is to grow, and growing comes through accepting all life forms as your teachers. Become Wolf, and take up the sense of adventure. You may just stop howling and learn to become the Moon.


AMBER – Fossalized resin from prehistoric pine trees. Exerts a positive influence on endocrine system, spleen, heart.  Healing, soothing and harmonizing. Electrically alive with solidified golden light. Stabilizes kundalini awakening. Activates altruistic nature.  Spiritualizes the intellect. Creates inner peace.


TOPAZ – (Gold topaz)  BRINGS   Tissue regeneration, strengthens liver, gallbladder, spleen, digestive organs, nervous system. Detoxifies body. Warming, awakening, inspiring abundance. (Blue topaz) Tissue regeneration. Strengthens thyroid gland, enhances metabolism, creating emotional balance. Cooling and soothing. Creates peace and tranquility. Brings creativity and self expresion. Helps with writer’s block. Enhances psychic perception. Helps with communication with your Blessed Higher Self and Spirit Guides.


MANNAZ — The Self

Mannaz represents the starting point which is the Self. Its essence is water, the sign of Scorpio.  Only clarity and the willingness to change is effective now. A correct relationship with yourself is primary, for from this flows all possible correct relationships with others and with the Divine

Remain modest – that is the Oracle’s counsel. Regardless of how great may be your merit, be yielding and devoted, moderate and correct, for then you have a true direction for your way of life. Be in the world but not a part of it. That is implicit here, however do not be closed, or narrow, or judging. Remain receptive to impulses flowing from the Divine within and without. Here you might contemplate the words from Hamlet: “To thine own self be true.” These words also may be contemplated, “strive to live the ordinary life in a non-ordinary way.” Remember at all times what is coming to be and passing away, and focus on that which abides. Nothing less is called for from within you now. November will be a time of major growth and rectification, and as a rule rectification must come before progress.

This is not a time for trying to gain credit for accomplishments, but rather to seek to fulfill the time span, content to do your tasks for the task’s sake which is the meaning of imminent activity. This will be more of a problem for those whose eyes are always on the goal than for those who have not forgotten how to play and can more easily and readily lose themselves in doing the work for its own sake. Herein lies the secret of experiencing a true presence.

If you take Mannaz, the Rune of Self, and cut it down the middle you have the Rune for Joy with its mirror image. There is a subtle caution here against carelessness. The dancing acrobatic energy of balancing is called for in November 2017. The Self is required to balance within the Self. Do Nothing in excess was the second phrase written over the temple in Delphi. The first phrase was know thyself. With these works the order of the Runes begin.

Above all – this month of November – do not give yourself airs. The momentum of past habits is the challenge here. In the life of Spirit you are always at the beginning.

sun-solsticeThis has always been the section for Healing Requests. Through the power of group prayers, healing take place spontaneously. You can be of help to many others, as well as your loved ones, with one minute of silence at 7:30 pm EST every Sunday evening anywhere in the world. With a prayer for the recovery of health, universal energy is sent out to any and all who send in their prayer request. What is needed is the name and birth date of the ill person, along with a diagnosis, if possible. What are you asking to be lifted? When you place your request in the Healing Circle of Light—located in our Prayer Room; know that as soon as you make your Prayer request and Healing request, you will begin to see positive results!

(We have had thousands of responses. Keep the Prayers going for all concerned!)


Discover the secrets of your Astrological Sun Sign, Moon Sign and Rising Sign and read them all together, for monthly guidance and direction.




The November 4th Full Moon in Taurus brings a Sun Neptune trine on the Full Moon. This is the best time to write down new ideas, get rid of bad habits and addictions and finish up your uncompleted projects. It’s going to get serious!

November 18th New Moon in Scorpio brings a time when these Scorpio energies will be your best friend. You’ll be supported if you want to change and transform your life. It’s time to clean up and clear out – both your living space and your house within. Start something new.



ram Aries (3/21 – 4/20)

You won’t be bored in November, Aries, or lonely. Dash through the month with a partner, and partners will be easy to come by. You gain fire and passion in your relationships. Finances are on your mind so make a plan and budget your funds and time.

bullTaurus (4/21-5/21)

If you’re trying to keep your feelings for a certain person under wraps, you won’t be able to much longer. This person may demand to know what’s going on and just where they stand in the relationship. So fess up! If someone asks you out after work, why not go? Have some fun; and realize you’re surrounded by kind, kindred spirits. If you have a lot of paperwork and finances to put in order, do it now, before Mercury retrogrades in early December.

twinsGemini (5/21-6/20)

Thanksgiving is a time when you may visit someone you’ve been putting off for far too long. Lovely! A long-lost friend could crash the Thanksgiving feast as well. A long, financial dispute may come up just before the Holidays. It won’t be easy to ignore. Do yourself a favor and tackle it head-on. It’s the only way you can find some peace.

crabCancer (6/21-7/22)

November brings you a whole new cast of friends and creative people. You find new ways to have fun and express yourself. You may receive an SOS from a child or family member who really need some financial help. If you can help without hurting yourself, do it. If not, then do what you can.

lionLeo (7/23-8/22)

November brings a playful time; playmates and recreational activities. You won’t want to sleep unless it’s absolutely necessary, so be sure to keep your vitamins handy. You need a change of pace along with a mental challenge. Someone with a foreign accent could come along to provide it. You’re reluctant to provide any financial details to someone who wants to hear them. That’s very wise, Leo.

virginVirgo (8/23-9/22)

In November, the Holiday Season gets off to a wonderful start conjuring up all kinds of magic – like bringing the old and young together for warm and wonderful family gatherings. Deep spiritual connections and love are possible now. The guardian angels are out on patrol. Don’t go overboard with your credit cards.

scalesLibra (9/23-10/22)

November is a time when you and your appearance will be raising eyebrows. Tact may be one of your famous skills, but it will be hard to come by now. It’s time to be blunt and perhaps a bit painful with you dealings with others. If you’ve been angry for a very good reason, open the throat and let it out. You may be arguing over possessions and personal finances. Don’t opt to play dirty, just don’t play at all.

Scorpio (10/ 23-11/22)

November mixes work with play with some pretty amazing results. Your creativity is running high, and you could turn a successful hobby into full time work. If not attached, you can expect some new companions to be at your door. Pick a lottery ticket on the 11, 17, or 25. Remember, it only takes one.

Sagittarius (11/23-12/21)

November brings a time to connect your past with your future. Decide where to aim your energies then talk to an elder or professional who can help you think “outside the box.” There’s nothing about all this Scorpio energy that remotely thinks of moderation when it comes to pillow talk. Be sure to say “Hi” to the outside world at least once a week. You may need to make a decision about a joint financial matter. Be sure to check with a professional.

Capricorn (12/22-1/19)

You probably expect the same crew at your Thanksgiving Holiday but be sure to provide an extra space or two. If you’ve been longing to meet someone new for some time, investigate and when you find who may be your kindred spirit, get yourself there. If your gut tells you to invest. On any level, go for it. We’re talking about big money here. You may have some testy tines at work at month’s end. Now, don’t huff off until Plan B is in place.

Aquarius (1/20-2/18)

November makes you anything but bored, Aquarius. If you’re delayed for a gathering or a party Thanksgiving weekend, remember the Universe will keep us from places where we should not be. — for our own good, that is. Some new solutions to old problems will be made available to you. Excellent! If you’re in the market for a raise or promotion, this is the time to make your intentions known to the higher-ups. Expect a disruption on the home front or with family matters. You’ve been expecting this, so you’ll be prepared, if not eager for the sudden change.

Pisces (2/19-3/20)

November brings you some grounding energy Pisces. Your relationships are about to deepen in ways you never thought possible. It’s time to experience the magic of true bonding. If you’re looking to get ahead at work, be warned, hard work is the only way to do it. Even your overtime hours could be educational and enjoyable. If you have been waiting and have something to say to someone, after the 28th just buckle up and say it, in no uncertain terms.

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